jsto table in sap
Below is the standard documentation available and a few details of the fields which make up this Table. SAP FI SAP FI is the SAP Finance Module: SAP FI Tutorials functional and technical. In the middle, we will set a useful scenario to retrieve address data for SAP users. BKIT2-Texts for CKIS You could also view this information on your SAP system if you enter the table name JSTO or data element J_OBJNR into the relevant SAP transaction such as SE11or SE80. Through this blog, I am trying to share with you my experience. CKIP1-Periodic Values for Unit Costing Item PSDYPR-LDB PSJ: Dummy structure under PRPS_R Here another list of SAP PP Tables related to Production Order Process. HEAD20-SAPscript: Text Header It contains data related to scheduling, capacity planning, and production costing. Hopefull, it makes your ways easier path ... Sab. BKIP2-Periodic Values for Unit Costing Item Software Component Application Component Package. Class Header Data . Stellengesuch einstellen. AFPO-Order Item You can find the whole list of SAP Material Tables in The Main Important SAP Material Master Tables (Data & Customizing) SAP SD Tables for Sales Documents. header (by period) EVOP (EV_PARAM)-Object parameters for earned value analysis BKIP2-Periodic Values for Unit Costing Item CKHS1-Header: Unit Costing (Control + Totals) If they are inactive and you decide to activate them later, status change logs will only be written for newly created objects. LINE20-SAPscript: Text Lines Be aware that this transaction is only available in SAP owned systems. Change pointers I. Kontakt ; Unser Team × × CHGKZ - JSTO - … Enhancement category i: Not classified Find the list of the most important SAP Tcodes for SAP Production Orders and Planned Order in SAP PP in the following Post SAP Production Orders Tcodes. COVJ12-CO object: Line items with doc header (by year) VBPA . IMTP-Investment programs PSDYPD-LDB PSJ: Dummy structure under PROJ BKIS2-Individual calculation/verification item gen. ABAP; Hierarchy. Kontakt ; Unser Team × × CHGNR - JSTO - … BPHI1-Cross-hierarchy data Control for system/user status (table JEST) Help to improve this answer by adding a comment. COSR1-CO Object: Statistical Key Figure Totals key figure line items by period Software Component Application Component Package. BPHI1-Cross-hierarchy data Control Value range INITIAL or 'X' Description Single statuses table STATUS-STAT contains the status in internal format (Ixxxx, Exxxx). Table … add a comment | Your Answer Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! So lets get started. Note that SD_VBAK was revamped in SAP R/3 Enterprise (Support Package 11) and now has enhanced functions. PLAF-Planned order Then, the most Read more…, “The Online Text Repository (OTR) is a central storage location for texts, and provides services for editing and managing these texts. RPSQT-Project info database: quantities Classification Tables and Others. Production orders are a fundamental part of Production Planning and Control (PP). The Best Online SAP Object Repository. KLAH. ABAP Code Snippets; ABAP WebDynPro; SAP GW SAP GW: Gateway; SAP IDOC (ALE) SAP PI (XI) SAP Screen Personas; SAP Workflow Find here useful SAP Workflow Tutorials including SAP Workflow Tcodes, SAP Workflow Technical Detail and Step by Step Sap Workflow ? SAP Tables SAP Authorization Objects SAP Authorization Object Classes ... in table JSTO. 34 5 5 bronze badges. simulation analysis report HEAD11-SAPscript: Text Header COSSD1-CO object: Internal cost totals - calculated HEAD13-SAPscript: Text Header BKIP1-Periodic Values for Unit Costing Item Classification Tables and Others. BPIJ1-Budget Object Index (Annual Budget) You will reuse the service businessPartners.xsodata.In order to achieve this, you need to declare this service as a data source. ONROR. JCDO-Change Documents for Status Object (Table JSTO) COKR1-CO Object: Control Data for Statistical Key Figs BKIS2-Individual calculation/verification item gen. Allocation Table: Object to Class . BPTR1-Object Data Control The following list is the SAP Production Order Tables in SAP PP. SAP Technical . Check this post for the SAP PM Main?Tables or this post for SAP QM Maint Tables. - BUT020 BP: Addresses - BUT050 BP relationships/role definitions: General data - Contains Relationship, Partner Number (PARTNER1), Relationship Category - BUT051 BP Relationship: Contact Person … PSMERK (PSMERK_PRPS)-Characteristics for Summarization for WBS Elements 60 DESCRIBE TABLE jsto_ins LINES sy-tabix. What is SAP Transaction Code | SAP TCode; Define Customer Account Groups in SAP; SAP General Application Functions Tables. Table of Contents . HEAD12-SAPscript: Text Header VSKOPF-Version: Header - general data for a PEGOB-Peg (master data of the CO object) The SAP SD Table for Sales Document Header is VBAK. SAP ABAP Table CDBD_JSTO (BT - Status) - SAP Datasheet - The Best Online SAP Object Repository. VBAP . COBRA-Settlement Rule for Order Settlement Detailansicht CHGKZ - JSTO - Noch nicht kategorisiert - SAP Tabellenfeld. VBKD-Sales Document: Business Data SAP Technical . These SAP PO Tables stored all the PO Data: SAP Print PP Tables handles the output of PP Documents. ABAP Interface ABAP Class Function Group Function Module Program. In SAP PP, PRT stands for?Production Resources and Tools (PRTs). JSTO is a SAP table coming under CA module and SAP_ABA component.View details, Fields … There was this one requirement for one of my SAPUI5 app table data to be able to be exported to Excel/spreadsheet. Basic Data . You have to retrieve Object Number for Status Management?corresponding to? EBII11-CO/SD doc. COKP1-CO Object: Primary Planning Control Data Top Tables Cross Module in SAP ... (Table JSTO) JCDS: Change Documents for System/User Statuses (Table JEST) In Logical Database ODK PSJ. ANIB1-Invest. Find here the most important SAP Work Center Tables in SAP. Since I have not found another place to put these tips (for consultants, developers, users) it is in this section. projects: Depr. COVJL1-CO object: Line items for acty types (by year) key figures (by year) Related Articles for SAP CRM_JSTO Table. RSTHIE-BRST structure of the hierarchy table BKHT1-Texts for CKHS AFAB01-Network Relationship (for LDB) - 01 COVJ11-CO object: Line items with doc header (by year) PSDYOK-LDB PSJ: Dummy structure under RESB01 COSLD-CO object: Activity type sums - calculated Description Only those statuses are given that are currently active. Environment. table that stores SNRO number range data Posted on Nov 05, 2008 at 05 ... One suggestion to find out the table names, press F1 on the field and press Technical Information button to get the table name and field. COBRA-Settlement Rule for Order Settlement KPER-Additional data for KBEZ (person split in days) EBII12-CO/SD doc. DRAD-Document-object link, JSTO - Status object information BKIT1-Texts for CKIS COVFP1-CO object: Financial data line items with doc. AFFH01-Order PRT Data (for LDB) - 01 Add the field Status in the Edit > Fast Change of. FPLT-Billing Plan: Dates JSTO. Code . BKHT1-Texts for CKHS 0 COSPD1-CO object: External cost totals - calculated COEPD12-CO object: Unvaluated ln. COVPR1-CO object: Stat. Home; About; How to Add a Field in Fast Change of – Sales Order. Below is the standard documentation available and a few details of the fields which make up this Table. VBAK . Basic Data . BPGE1-Totals record total value Control There are many useful lists of SAP tables on the Internet, but, for one reason or the other, I could not find one overview in … Menu Skip to content. Once Customer is defined, let’s check the list of Sales Documents tables in SAP SD. COVJR1-CO object: Line items stat. BPPE1-Totals Record for Period Values Control HEAD10-SAPscript: Text Header COVJ11-CO object: Line items with doc header (by year) link via OBJNR to table CRM_JSTO and also link via Stat/estat to table TJ30T. COVJL1-CO object: Line items for acty types (by year) BPIJ1-Budget Object Index (Annual Budget) LINE14-SAPscript: Text Lines A+ A-Below are the some of the important tables related to SAP Sales and Distribution . COBRB-Distribution rules for sett. Classification Tables and Others. Partners . ; SAP Functional . Find here useful SAP Workflow Tutorials including SAP Workflow Tcodes, SAP Workflow Technical Detail and Step by Step Sap Workflow ? KBED04-Capacity Requirement Recs for Planned Orders (LDB) RESB04-Reservation/dependent reqs for plan order (LDB) LINE11-SAPscript: Text Lines key figure line items by period EKKO-Purchasing Document Header Basic Data . What is SAP Transaction Code | SAP TCode; Define Customer Account Groups in SAP; SAP General Application Functions Tables. ==>View Table relationships, AUFK-Order master data SAP ABAP Table JSTO (Status object information) - SAP Datasheet - The Best Online SAP Object Repository. flow: Billed parts of resource item Recent Posts. COKA1-CO Object: Control Data for Cost Elements Partner index . PSDYPEG-LDB PSJ: Dummy Structure Under PEGOB JCDS-Change docs. CKHS1-Header - Unit Costing (Control + Totals) General Object Number . JSTO-STSMA Status Profile SAP Table field attributes inc. J_STSMA Data Element STSMA is a standard field within SAP Table jsto that stores Status Profile information. rule for order sett. RPSCO1-Summarization Table for Project Reporting Object number must exist intable JSTO. item settlement w/status BPVG1-Table generated for view BPVG1 EKET-Scheduling Agreement Schedule Lines 65 DESCRIBE TABLE jsto_upd LINES sy-tabix. SAP Table CRM_JCDO - Change Documents for Status Object (Table JSTO). SAP user tables will cover the most important standard Tables in SAP storing all the data for SAP User. COKS1-CO Object: Control Data for Secondary Planning As bonus, you will find some useful join condition to retrieve data of Production Order data for Standard SAP Tables. FPLA (FPLAPS)-Billing plan for PSP network plan JSTO: Status profile: JEST: Object status: AFRU: Order completion confirmations: SAP PP Tables for PRT Production Orders. Environment. EKKN-Account Assignment in Purchasing Document JEST-Individual Status per Object BKHT2-Texts for CKHS COSS1-CO Object: Cost Totals for Internal Postings You can view further information about SAP JSTO Table and the data within it using relevant transactions such as SE11, SE80 or SE16. Since I have not found another place to put these tips (for consultants, developers, users) it is in this section. SAP Tables - Overview. Work center consists of master data related to routing of products. JSTGEOPST - IS-M/SD: Assignments of Geographical to Postal Units, IS-M/SD: Table for Upgrade of Table JSTKGSPRO, IS-M/SD: Transfer Structure for DBP (Municipality Key), IS-M/SD: Assignments of Geographical to Postal Units. Related Articles for SAP JSTO Table. PSDYPG-LDB PSJ: Dummy structure under IMTP MAST : Verbindung Material - Stueckliste : In der Logischen Datenbank CKA CSR. HEAD13-SAPscript: Text Header Sry, its MSEG table and extractor on MSEG is 2LIS_03_BF. COVPR1-CO object: Stat. CDPOS-Change document items 65 DESCRIBE TABLE jsto_upd LINES sy-tabix. What is SAP Transaction Code | SAP TCode; Define Customer Account Groups in SAP; SAP General Application Functions Tables. For more information see SAP Note 588428. We have made every effort to make sure provide relevant search results, use the content on this site at your own risk. projects SAP ABAP Table JSTO (Status object information) Hierarchy ☛ SAP_ABA (Software Component) Cross-Application Component ⤷ CA-GTF-TS-SMT (Application Component) General status management ⤷ BSV (Package) General Status Management. COEPD11-CO object: Unvaluated ln. PSDYNV-LDB PSJ: Dummy structure under ACT01 CKHT1-Texts for CKHS COVO12-CO object: Fxd price agreement commitment ln items SAP ABAP Table Field JSTO-OBTYP (Object Category) Nederlands (Dutch) English Français (French) Deutsch (German) Italiano (Italian) 日本語 (Japanese) 한국의 (Korean) Polski (Polish) Português (Portuguese) русский (Russian) 简体中文 (Simplified Chinese) español (Spanish) 正體中文 (Traditional Chinese) Türk (Turkish) Domain Data Element Table Table Cluster/Pool View Search Help. EBII1-CO/SD doc. : Header Status and Administrative Data Classification Tables and Others. JEST : Individual Object Status : In Logical Database IDF IDFPLUS ODK PSJ. Once Customer is defined, let’s check the list of Sales Documents tables in SAP SD. >>>>> INSERT jsto CLIENT SPECIFIED 63 FROM TABLE jsto_ins. COVPL1-CO object: Activity type line items by period If the STATUS-INACT field is initial, the status is active, if it is'X' the status is inactive. Sales Document. COVO1-CO Object: Open Items for Line Items (w/o doc.Hdr) Name Short description; CRMC_ISU_RELSTAT: Status Representation and Display Path: spro -> Customer Relationship Management -> Industry-Specific Solutions -> Utility Industries -> Settings for User Interfaces -> … COEPBR11-CO Object: Valuated Line Item Settlement HEAD10-SAPscript: Text Header COVPB1-CO object: Variance/accrual line items by period Table used for Individual Object Status.JEST table is coming under CA and CA-GTF-TS-SMT module. Classification Tables and Others. Unternehmen. Classification Tables and Others. In fact, this Tables’s List is more for customizing and Text Tables. BPVJ1-Table Generated for View BPVJ1 AFKO-Order Header Data PP Orders PSDYNP-LDB PSJ: Dummy structure under AUFK Code. FMSU1-FM totals records for financial data BPJA1-Totals record for total year value Control SAP Production Order Tables: find the most important SAP Tables used for Production Orders. Also check out the Comments section below to view or add related contributions and example screen shots. Status object information . The SAP SD Table for Sales Document Header is VBAK. There are many useful lists of SAP tables on the Internet, but, for one reason or the other, I could not find one overview in … ABAP Code Snippets; ABAP WebDynPro; SAP GW SAP GW: Gateway; SAP IDOC (ALE) SAP PI (XI) SAP Screen Personas; SAP Workflow Find here useful SAP Workflow Tutorials including SAP Workflow Tcodes, SAP Workflow Technical Detail and Step by Step Sap Workflow ? JSTO-Status object information HEAD11-SAPscript: Text Header Table Description Module; CRMC_IC_LTX_UPAT: Parameter Definition of URL based Launch Transactions: CA-GTF: TXW_S_MKPF: Retrieve MKPF from archive: CA-GTF: AENRCNV : Data for Converting Change Numbers: CA-GTF: SCMATREED: Table … ACT01-Activity for LDB 01 The following list is the SAP Tables for Production Orders Confirmation in SAP PP, Source:Table name & field name for production order & operation confirmation. The main SAP Tables for Notifications are QMEL, JSTO and JEST. Sales Document: Header Data . Link between JEST and TJ31 is set on STSMAS and ESTAT. ABAP; Hierarchy. SAP ABAP Table JSTO_UPD (Status Object Information - Interface Structure) Hierarchy ☛ SAP_ABA (Software Component) Cross-Application Component ⤷ CA-GTF-TS-SMT (Application Component) General status management ⤷ BSV (Package) General Status Management. KSSK. JSTKGSUPDA - IS-M/SD: Table for Upgrade of Table JSTKGSPRO ANLI1-Link table for capital investment measure -> AuC QMEL … Transaction Code IMG Activity … SAP Praktikum. SAP ERP Central Component all versions ; SAP ERP all versions ; SAP … ARKOPF-Archiving run header data I have been working as SAP Technical and functional for a decade. Delivery Class: A - Application table containing master and transaction data hdr LINE10-SAPscript: Text Lines ONROR. JSTO Status profile JEST Object status AFRU Order completion confirmations . VBUK-Sales Doc. AFPO-Order Item As key, fill the QMEL-QMNUM for the Notification Number. 0 Registrieren Login. item settlement w/status Sales Document: Item Data . Stellengesuch einstellen. Just copying and pasting is no fun, so you have some pending coding to do. IMPR-Investment Program Positions You have to retrieve Object Number for Status Management?corresponding to?QMEL-OBJNR. BKHS2-Header: Unit Costing (Control + Totals) COVP12-CO object: Line items with doc. In my program i have to download the data from these table based on Created date and Las Table Category : … Also check out the Contributionssection below to add and view useful hints, tips and screen shots specific to … Description. ANIB1-Invest. Due to this, unexpected issues (e.g. LINE13-SAPscript: Text Lines If you have a different answer for … projects: Depr. Published by John on March 26, 2016March 26, 2016. COKP1-CO Object: Control Data for Primary Planning COBRB-Distribution rules for sett. PSMERK (PSMERK_ACT)-Charactersitics for Summarization for Activity If they are inactive and you decide to activate them later, status change logs will only be written for newly created objects. What is SAP Transaction Code | SAP TCode; Define Customer Account Groups in SAP; SAP General Application Functions Tables. BKIS1-Individual calculation/verification item gen. ... SAP ERP all versions ; SAP R/3 Enterprise all versions ; SAP R/3 all versions ; SAP S/4HANA all versions ; SAP enhancement package for SAP ERP all versions ; SAP enhancement package for SAP ERP, version for SAP HANA all versions Keywords. Details of SAP JEST table & its fields. PROJ-Project definition KSSK. ANLI1-Link table for capital investment measure -> AuC Status object information . header (by period) TPI031-CO Objects: Date of Last Interest Run LINE20-SAPscript: Text Lines SAP ABAP Table CRM_JSTO (Status Object Information) Hierarchy ☛ SAP_ABA (Software Component) Cross-Application Component ⤷ CA-GTF-TS-SMT (Application Component) General status management ⤷ BSV_GUID (Package) General Status Management (GUID-ified Version) Basic Data . JSTO Status object information ARCH_OBJ Objects for archiving and reorganization SNAP Snapshot for Runtime Errors (Dumps) TBTCO Job status overview TBTCP Batch Input step overview DDSHPVAL5 Personal Help Values Currency TCURC/T Currency codes (Report RFTBFF00) TCURR Exchange Rates (View: V_CURC) TCURX/F/V Decimal places / Conversion Factors / Types Calendar functions T247 … KSML. Step 1: Tcode: SE41. HEAD14-SAPscript: Text Header The items details are stored in VBAP. SAP ABAP Table JSTO_UPD (Status Object Information - Interface Structure) - SAP Datasheet - The Best Online SAP Object Repository SAP4TECH.net is not associated with SAP AG. COEPBR12-CO Object: Valuated Line Item Settlement The sap.ui.core.util.Export doesn't meet the standard of exporting data especially it only write data in 1 column.. Former Member . JSTO Status object information ARCH_OBJ Objects for archiving and reorganization SNAP Snapshot for Runtime Errors (Dumps) TBTCO Job status overview TBTCP Batch Input step overview DDSHPVAL5 Personal Help Values Currency TCURC/T Currency codes (Report RFTBFF00) TCURR Exchange Rates (View: V_CURC) TCURX/F/V Decimal places / Conversion Factors / Types Calendar functions T247 … BKHT2-Texts for CKHS COVJ12-CO object: Line items with doc header (by year) : Automatic, Default values for collective confirmation, Table of planned changes for confirmation: A/B/Data, Subsequently posted goods movements for conf, Table with Routines for structuring variable, Control paralleled confirmation processes, Control table for process chain for confirmation, Text table for process control of confirmation, DB structure of the user fields of the opera, DB structure of the quantities/dates/values, Index of production-/issuing plant for production, Print PP documents: Determination of output, SAP Print PP shop papers: Transaction control, PP Print: Default Value for Printing Online, CIM order: Assigning document types to refer, CIM: Destination/lists/spool parameters per, CIM order: Entity table of possible table id, Default values for generating operation in CIM order, Profile for Missing Parts Info System: Display, Texts for Missing Parts Info System: Display, Profile for missing parts info system: Criteria, Texts for Missing Parts Info System: Criteria, Texts for functions in milestones/trigger, Profile for Missing Parts Info System: Sort, Texts for Missing Parts Info System: Sort, Texts for Profile “Display Availability Check”, Transactions PP – orders – order category, Assigning subscreen to processing location, Allocating operation to object type for the, Sequence of detail screens when processing, Table for controlling the screen sequence, CUA status depending on panel & trans. LINE13-SAPscript: Text Lines CKIP1-Periodic Values for Unit Costing Item LIPS-SD document: Delivery: Item data item settlement w/status PSDYIP-LDB PSJ: Dummy structure under IMPR JSTKGSDA - IS-M/SD: Transfer Structure for DBP (Municipality Key) Classification Tables and Others. Thanks & Regards, Navneeth K. Add a Comment. CRM Tables These are some important tables in CRM : - BUT000 : BP: General data - Contains Business Partner Number, Partner Category, Partner Type, First Name, Last Name etc. BPGE1-Totals record total value Control Registrieren Login. flow: Billed parts of resource item COVFP1-CO object: Financial data line items with doc. SAP ABAP Table /ISDFPS/JSTO (Structure for Table JSTO) Hierarchy ☛ EA-DFPS (Software Component) SAP Enterprise Extension Defense Forces & Public Security ⤷ IS-DFS-PDR (Application Component) Master Data Distribution ⤷ /ISDFPS/UPS_EXTENSIONS_ASSET (Package) Asset Objects in UPS. Top Tables for the Production Planning Process Industries Module PP-PI in SAP ... JSTO : Status object information : In Logical Database ODK PSJ. BKHS1-Header - Unit Costing (Control + Totals) COSR1-CO Object: Statistical Key Figure Totals COSP1-CO Object: Cost Totals for External Postings JSTO. Detailansicht CHGNR - JSTO - Noch nicht kategorisiert - SAP Tabellenfeld. Key that identifies a status profile. SAP FI SAP FI is the SAP Finance Module: SAP FI Tutorials functional and technical. The objective here is to bind the xsodata service you created within the js module to a table displayed in your SAPUI5 interface. AFIH-Maintenance order header COSP1-CO Object: Cost Totals for External Postings COSPP-Transfer of Order in the COSP Table to the Project AFKO-Header Data in PP Orders BKIT2-Texts for CKIS Transaction Code … RPSQT-Summarization table for project reporting (quants) VBAP-Sales Document: Item Data COSPD1-CO object: External cost totals - calculated BPIG1-Budget Object Index (Overall Budget) BPIG1-Budget Object Index (Overall Budget) COVJR1-CO object: Line items stat. Produkte & Preise Kundenreferenzen SAP Bewerberdatenbank. COVO1-CO Object: Open Items for Line Items (w/o doc.Hdr) HEAD20-SAPscript: Text Header JSTO is a standard SAP Table which is used to store Status object information data and is available within R/3 SAP systems depending on the version and release level. The main task of the OTR is to support the creation and translation of texts. 64 ENDIF. COSL1-CO Object: Activity Type Totals EBAN-Purchase requisition SAP Tables SAP Authorization Objects SAP Authorization Object Classes ... in table JSTO. ANIA1-Depr. THEAD-SAPscript: Text Header Classification Tables and Others. COVPB1-CO object: Variance/accrual line items by period SAP Table JCDO - Change Documents for Status Object (Table JSTO). CRM_JSTO: Status Object Information TJ02: System status: TJ02T: Text table for system status TJ30: User status TJ30T Text table for user status: Customizing tables. General Object Number . In the next part, you will find the list to related SAP PP Production Order Tables starting with T*. FPLT (FPLTPS)-Billing plan for PSP/network (dates) As the namespace tells that sap.m.Table is used in developing mobile specific applications and sap.ui.table.Table is used in desktop specific applications. projects COVP11-CO object: Line items with doc. Overview . PP is fully integrated in the Logistics (LO) component and has, among others, interfaces to, The main Production order tables name in sap are, Check also SAP Production Orders Tcodes and SAP Planning Order Transactions, To retrieve Order Header from PP Production Order, join between, AUFK (Order header) and AFPO on field AUFNR. AFRU01-Order Confirmations (for LDB) - 01 You can find the whole list of SAP Material Tables in The Main Important SAP Material Master Tables (Data & Customizing) SAP SD Tables for Sales Documents. The items details are stored in VBAP. Sales Document: Business Data/Sales district data . RPSCO1-Summarization Table for Project Reporting The main Production Order Status tables are: In order to find SAP Production Order Status make a join between AUFK (Order header) & JEST (active Status) on OBJNR. COEPD12-CO object: Unvaluated ln. JSTO-Status object information BKIT1-Texts for CKIS LINE11-SAPscript: Text Lines COEPD11-CO object: Unvaluated ln. First, we will start with the most used SAP users Tables, then you will get the full list of the tables for users. SAP Tables - Overview. Hi. ELM_PS-Additional data for hierarchy nodes (LDB PSJ) COEPBR11-CO Object: Valuated Line Item Settlement Below is the standard documentation available and a few details of the fields which make up this Table. LIKP-SD Document: Delivery Header Data FMSU1-FM totals records for financial data rule for order sett. Allocation Table: Object to Class . Top Tables Cross Module in SAP ... (Table JSTO) JCDS: Change Documents for System/User Statuses (Table JEST) In Logical Database ODK PSJ. Characteristics of a Class . When you use the … COKR1-CO Object: Control Data for Statistical Key Figs CDHDR-Change document header key figures (by year) Table Description Module; CNVFUNCTION: … SAP Production Order: Operation Table AFVC, Sap production order Tcode and Transaction, SAP PP Confirmations for SAP Production Orders Tables, List of SAP PP Production Order Data Tables, Text & Customizing Tables for Production Order, SAP Production Orders Tcodes and SAP Planning Order Transactions, Table name & field name for production order & operation confirmation, SAP Users Tables (for Personal, Logon, and Address Data), SAP Purchase Order Tables: Main PO tables in SAP MM – SAP PO Tables, SAP Good Movement Types – Full list of SAP Movement Types, SAP BOM Tables for BOM Header, Items and components and Category, The Main SAP G/L Account Tcodes & SAP GL Account Tables, The most Important SAP Work Center Tables in SAP PP, SAP Workflow Tcodes and SAP Workflow Tables, SAP Online Text Repository (OTR): SAP OTR Tcodes, Tables, Function and Translation, SAP Fiori 3 UX and Design of SAP Fiori Apps for SAP S/4HANA, SAP TechEd Lecture, SAP Accounts Payable Tcodes & Accounts Receivable Tcodes ( SAP AP Tcodes & SAP AR Tcodes), The Most Important SAP Payment Terms Tables (ZTERM, Text…), Goods movements with errors from confirmation, Table of planned changes to conf. 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