sun life granite target date funds
Mgmt YTD Annualized Returns % Notes Investment Mix Fee % * Return % 1 Yr 2 Yr 3 Yr 4 Yr 5 Yr 10 Yr SL Granite 2025 Seg Fund … While similar to traditional target date funds, these funds offer investors a multi-manager … We are changing our manager allocation within international equities as shown below: We have made the above changes to enhance manager diversification across the portfolio building blocks. At some point, SLGI will automatically merge the maturing Granite fund into the Sun Life Granite Retirement Fund (“Granite Retirement Fund”). Revised Statement of Investment Policies and Guidelines for Greystone Target Duration 3-Year Fund … These are target-date funds that mature in 2030 or earlier and after 2025. In the Sun Life Granite Target Risk Funds, we are adding a bottom up, core plus mandate, broadening our opportunity set in Canadian bonds. These are target-date funds that mature in 2025 or earlier and after 2020. As of July 20, 2020, Sun Life Global Investments (Canada) Inc. changed its name to SLGI Asset Management Inc. All rights reserved. The maturity date for a Sun Life Milestone Fund may be accelerated in … Financial markets continue to evolve. We are making this change to enhance yield and expected return potential, as well as overall portfolio diversification. © Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada. CI making special payments to investors in selected funds – April 18, 2016. Sun Life Global Investments (SLGI) has announced an update to the maturity process for the Sun Life Granite® 2020 Target Date and Multi-Risk Target Date Segregated Funds (“Granite 2020 Funds”). It will take some time to update our websites, materials and forms and until that is complete, all references to Sun Life … We’ll redirect members’ contribution instructions for the Granite 2020 Funds to the Granite Retirement Fund. The Sun Life Milestone Funds can help provide a powerful shield against the impact of market volatility. Sun Life will redirect all future member contributions in the Granite 2020 Funds (whether defaulted or actively selected) to the Granite Retirement Fund. Despite the selloff in U.S. … We’ll post a message outlining the changes and potential tax impacts on Morningstar Financial Research conducts Analysis on Markets, Mutual Fund, Stocks and ETFs through Investment Data and News. Closer to the merger date, we’ll provide you and your plan members with further information as to any possible tax and other consequences that may occur as a result of the fund merger. Region and language selection is expanded. Members select the target date fund that most closely aligns with the year when they wish to retire. Changes to the Beutel Goodman Fixed Income team – April 4, 2016. March 19, 2020. We are changing our exposure to Global Fixed Income within the Fund from Templeton Global Bond Fund to the Sun Life Opportunistic Fixed Income Private Pool, sub-advised by Wellington Management Canada ULC, a subsidiary of Wellington Investment Advisors Holdings LLP (“Wellington”). The Granite and Granite Multi-Risk Target Date funds series use a multi-manager structure to create a balanced asset mix. After June 22, 2020, no member contributions will go into the Granite 2020 Funds. International equities (developed and emerging markets), Fixed income (domestic and foreign including emerging markets debt), Specialty equity and fixed income (private fixed income, high yield bonds, global natural resources). The Granite Retirement Fund targets people currently near or in retirement. Sun Life Target Date Series of Funds. 1 Actual fund results will be lower after the deduction of fees and expenses. We’ll be closing the Granite 2020 Funds to new members in June 2020. We regularly assess risks and opportunities in our portfolio construction. Click this button to collapse it. We are reallocating some of our Canadian core bond exposure into U.S. core bonds. Sun Life Guaranteed Investment Funds (GIFs) are segregated fund contracts with special features to help you save for a worry-free retirement or other savings goals. Each fund gets more conservative as it moves closer to its maturity. What happens when the Granite 2020 Fund reaches its year of maturity? Plan members can use capital losses to offset capital gains realized from other income during the year, capital gains reported in the last three years, or reduce future capital gains. No assurance or gurantee is made that any target return or volatility target can or will be achieved. The Granite 2020 Funds will close and merge into the Granite Retirement Fund in June 2024. Organizational changes at Bentall Kennedy – May 8, 2017. SLGI invests assets in both active and passive funds across various asset classes, investment styles and geographic regions. At maturity, each fund moves into the Retirement fund. You or your plan members do not need to take any action at this time. SUN LIFE GRANITE MULTI-RISK TARGET DATE FUNDS | Q4 20182 Markets turned volatile in Q4 as worried investors headed to the sidelines in December’s market rout. Sun Life Global Investments (“SLGI”) is making enhancements to our Sun Life Granite Target Date and our Sun Life Granite Target Risk series of Funds (the “Funds”). At that time: Plan members can keep their money in the Granite 2020 Funds until June 2024. The Funds’ respective benchmarks will be modified effective April 1, 2020 to reflect the above mentioned enhancements. The Granite 2020 Funds will no longer be available as a default fund. The fund strives to achieve a return of 5-6% per annum over the course of a full business cycle, typically 3 to 5 years (before the deduction of management fees and expenses)1. Target Date to Retirement Select from this group of funds if you would like to invest in a help me do it portfolio that matches your investment time horizon. We are modestly reducing our exposure to large-cap Canadian core equities from 33% to 30%. It invests approximately 35% of its assets in stocks and around 65% in bonds. The Granite Multi-Risk Target Date Funds offer three distinct glidepaths based on risk tolerance: Conservative, Moderate and Aggressive. The Granite Funds provide exposure to the following asset classes: The series is available with target maturity dates in 5-year intervals (Retirement, 2020, 2025, 2030, 2035, 2040, 2045, 2050, 2055 and 2060). Sun Life Global Investments (“SLGI”) is making enhancements to our Sun Life Granite Target Date and our Sun Life Granite Target Risk series of Funds (the “Funds”). It’s also the only Granite Fund that maintains a near-consistent investment mix over time. The Granite 2020 Funds will no longer be available for addition to plan sponsor line-ups. Canadian Investment Funds Standards Committee(CIFSC) ... O RBC Retirement 2025 Portfolio Series A RBC Target 2025 Education Fund Series A Sun Life 2025 Milestone Portfolio Sun Life Granite 2025 Portfolio Sun Life Milestone 2025 Fund Series A Vanguard Target … This mandate is sub-advised by Sun Life Capital Management (Canada) Inc. We are making the above change to enhance inflation and credit awareness; holding inflation-linked bonds opportunistically, can help preserve capital at different points in the economic cycle. Please select your language preference on the right hand side. Available in Target Date, Multi-Risk Target Date, Target Risk and Income … 2 The 2060 maturity funds were added July 2, 2019. The Granite Retirement Fund is the most conservative fund in the Granite series of target date funds. SLGI Asset Management Inc. is a member of the Sun Life group of companies. These are target-date funds that mature in 2020 or earlier. How will this impact you and your plan members? Plan members with money in the Granite 2020 Funds that are part of non-registered plans will likely experience a capital gain or loss when the money is transferred to the Granite Retirement Fund. These enhancements take effect in the second quarter of 2020… SLGI manages the asset mix tactically to take advantage of changing market conditions. Sun Life Global Investments is a trade name of SLGI Asset Management Inc., Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada, and Sun Life Financial Trust Inc. SLGI Asset Management Inc. is the investment manager of the Sun Life Mutual Funds, Sun Life Granite Managed Solutions and Sun Life Private Investment Pools. Sun Life Financial Corp. Monday announced the launch of the Granite series of target date funds. Changes to the SIP&Ps for the Sun Life Financial Granite Target Date and Multi-Risk Target Date Series of funds – June 19, 2017. contributions or transfers-in). Sun Life Global Investments Chief Investment Officer Sadiq S. Adatia discusses the positioning of our Sun Life Target Date Series of Funds with the … The Granite 2020 Funds will no longer receive new money (i.e. These enhancements take effect in the second quarter of 2020. It has been managing investments since 1928. We do this to provide long-term value for investors. The Sun Life Financial Granite series of Target Date Segregated Funds include the Granite Target Date and Granite Multi-Risk Target Date Funds. We are making this change to enhance return consistency relative to the broad global bond benchmark. In this way, we seek to optimize the Funds’ risk-adjusted returns, while remaining consistent with our overall objective and philosophy. We remain vigilant. These are target date funds that mature after 2035. As a result of this error, the benchmark returns for the Funds were incorrectly reported for the period April 9, 2018 to August 21, 2018. An internal investigation by SLGI identified that the error was due to a failure to adjust the benchmarks as the Funds' strategic asset mix changed. Sun Life Global Investments is a trade name of SLGI Asset Management Inc., Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada, and Sun Life Financial Trust Inc. SLGI Asset Management Inc. is the investment manager of the Sun Life Mutual Funds, Sun Life Granite Managed Solutions and Sun Life … In turn, the non-Canadian equity allocations will increase: U.S. from 33% to 35%; and EAFE plus emerging markets from 33% to 35%. All rights reserved. This allows us to update our investment opportunity set, risk and return assumptions and constraints within the context of an evolving market environment. As of July 20, 2020, Sun Life Global Investments (Canada) Inc. changed its name to SLGI Asset Management Inc. They will then merge into the Granite Retirement Fund. Each Granite Target Date fund series is available in 5-year increments … It will take some time to update our websites, materials and forms and until that is complete, all references to Sun Life … At that time, plan sponsors will no longer be able to add the Granite 2020 Funds to their line-ups. Please contact your Sun Life Group Retirement Services representative. Sun Life Financial Granite Target Risk series of funds (Granite Target Risk funds). *All investment solutions are offered as segregated funds for group retirement plans exclusively by Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada, through Sun Life Group Retirement Services, a member of the Sun Life group of companies. Wellington is one of the largest fund managers in the world with over $US 1 trillion in AUM. These target date funds offer the opportunity for growth potential, while at the same time offering downside protection if markets drop… The Granite Moderate glidepath is also the glidepath for the Sun Life Financial Granite Target Date Segregated Funds. Here is a list of the impacted funds: In general, when a Granite fund reaches the year identified in its name, it will have reached its most conservative investment mix. Here is a list of the impacted funds: Sun Life Granite 2020… In our annual review, we conduct extensive research to find ways to enhance our Granite suite of products. Mr. Aul has co-managed these funds since March 2014 alongside Sadiq Adatia, Chief Investment Officer and … Plan sponsors may wish to consider whether this investment news has any implications for the investment options available within their plans. RightDirections™ Employee Assistance Program, Professional Associations and Affinity Groups. Each spring, Sun Life Global Investments (SLGI) formally reviews the long-term strategic target allocations for the Sun Life Granite Series of Target Date Funds, Sun Life Granite Series of Multi-Risk Target Date Funds and Sun Life Granite Target Risk Funds. The Granite 2020 Funds’ asset mix will stop evolving and will become identical to the Granite Retirement Fund in June 2020. Enhancements to our Granite series of funds. The respective maturity dates for the Sun Life Milestone Funds is June 30 of the year in the corresponding fund's name. Date series star ted: (Series A) Januar y 17, 2012 Total value of the fund on May 31, 2020: $1.2 billion ... 2.Sun Life Granite Tactical Completion Fund, Series I 7.4% 3.Sun Life JPMorgan International Equity Fund, Series I 7.3% 4.Sun Life … Plan members with money invested in the Granite 2020 Funds as part of a non-registered plan should consider the tax impact the merger may have on their particular situation. ... Fund Series O PH&N LifeTime 2020 Fund Series O RBC Retirement 2020 Portfolio Series A Sun Life 2020 Milestone Portfolio Sun Life Granite 2020 Aggressive Portfolio Sun Life Granite 2020 Conservative Portfolio Sun Life Granite 2020 Moderate Portfolio Sun Life Granite … The Fund’s investment objective is to seek long-term capital appreciation and income by investing primarily in a diversified portfolio of global fixed income securities. Why will SLGI wait 4 years between the maturity of the Granite 2020 Funds and their merger into the Granite Retirement Fund? Canadian Investment Funds Standards Committee(CIFSC) ... 2060 Portfolio Series A Standard Life Target Date 2055 Sun Life 2040 Milestone Portfolio Sun Life 2045 Milestone Portfolio Sun Life Granite 2040 Aggressive Portfolio Sun Life Granite 2040 Conservative Portfolio Sun Life Granite … Enhancements to the Granite Series Target Date and Target Risk funds – April 4, 2016. By signing in, you agree to these terms and conditions. There are no tax implications for money held in registered plans. This investment mix seeks to provide income and moderate long-term growth of capital for investors beginning to withdraw their money. Sun Life Global Investments (SLGI) has announced an update to the maturity process for the Sun Life Granite® 2020 Target Date and Multi-Risk Target Date Segregated Funds (“Granite 2020 Funds”). It’s particularly important for investors who hold the fund in a non-registered plan as the merger of a maturing target date fund into the Retirement Fund currently constitutes a taxable event in Canada. Summary of timeline of Granite 2020 Funds maturity, About the Granite Target Date fund series. Sun Life Financial Granite Target Date Funds Sun Life Financial Granite Multi-Risk Target Date Funds. Update to the maturity process for the Sun Life Granite 2020 Funds. Assumption Life SmartSeries 2035 BMO Target Education 2035 Portfolio Series A CI LifeCycle 2035 Portfolio Desjardins fin'l Fidelity CP Instl 2035 Fidelity ClearPath 2035 Portfolio Series B Franklin LifeSmart 2035 Portfolio Franklin LifeSmart 2035 Portfolio Series O Greystone 2035 Target Date Fund … Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada purchases units of the funds listed below, which are established as segregated funds in accordance with the Insurance Companies Act (Canada). We are making this change to enhance expected risk-adjusted returns and diversification. The Sun Life Granite funds are a suite of multi-manager solutions designed to help plan members save for their retirement. Our portfolio management team reviews the long-term strategic target allocations for the Funds once a year. This enhancement is not applicable to Sun Life Granite Target Date series of Funds because they already offer broad credit exposure through the Sun Life Private Fixed Income Plus and Canadian Commercial Mortgage Funds (sub-advised by Sun Life Capital Management (Canada) Inc.). Effective April 1, 2016, Sun Life Global Investments (Canada) Inc. (SLGI) revised its Statement of Investment Policies and Goals (SIP&G) for the Sun Life Financial Granite Series of Target Date Segregated Funds, Sun Life Financial Granite Series of Multi-Risk Target Date Segregated Funds and the Sun Life Financial Granite Target … It holds a blend of investments that investors may find appropriate for retirement years. The members must report capital gains or losses, if any, on their tax return in the year their assets are moved. Alternatively, plan members can move their money in the Granite 2020 Funds to the Granite Retirement Fund (or any other Granite fund that fits their needs) any time before June 2024. As such, it seeks income and moderate long-term growth of capital. SLGI opted to give plan members with money in the Granite 2020 Funds more flexibility/time for tax planning purposes. We’re here to support you through COVID-19. Broader credit exposure may help enhance yield and diversification. This content is intended for Institutional Investors Only (Plan Sponsors, Consultants & Group Advisors). Following the 2020 … Changes to the Sun Life Financial Universe Bond Segregated Fund … These are target-date funds that mature in 2035 or earlier and after 2030. © SLGI Asset Management Inc. and its licensors, 2020. Sun Life Granite 2020 Fund and Sun Life Milestone 2020 Fund are closed to new purchases.Sun Life Granite 2025 Fund and Sun Life Milestone 2025 Fund, DSC option is closed to new purchases as of July 1, 2018… Tactically to take advantage of changing market conditions … these are target Date Funds! Fund may be accelerated in … Sun Life target Date Funds their line-ups members... Styles and geographic regions to SLGI Asset Management Inc in both active and passive Funds across Asset! 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