> 314 It would create the possible world where my father is killed, but it's not like it would erase the world where he isn't. I still have memories from before the past was changed. S: "It might be close, but it's a little more rough. She and Daru meet. From the visual novel and anime/manga series Steins;Gate , where the term is used as a name for the ideal World Line. Daru in the future builds the time machine and her young self in the future time travels all over again, and so the loop continues until that world line is "deactivated".[4]-. World Line Theory Steins Gate. Did any of that make sense? Subject: Explaining the many-worlds interpretation There's only one if you trace it back to the origin. I previously asked are world lines a set of possibilities or independent instances, but the answer I got is mixed.. After some thought, I come up with a theory that does make sense. -...Yeah, I know that doesn't flow quite right.-. I think that due to the nature of the world lines and time travel in SG a fully-closed time loop that overwrites itself[3] probably does not occur. Rintarou posted: It is interesting to note that in the visual novel, the theory of having multiple existing Word Lines at once is brought up, but has been replaced by the new theory. The planning for Steins;Gate was headed by Chiyomaru Shikura of 5pb. But that would cause a chicken and egg paradox, wouldn't it? Production. http://lparchive.org/SteinsGate/Update%2021/ A29:チャプター11でのタイムトラベルでは、跳躍まえと跳躍径で、0.000001~0.000003バーセント程度の世界線変動が起きています。これは跳躍する時間が長いほど誤差も大きくなります。絵羽の2036年の出発時点では世界戦変動率は0.000000バーセントでしたが、2010年に到着した時点で0.3~0.5バーセントほどに変化していたのもこのためです。. I will also be referencing the Steins;Gate Official Book (ISBN9784047263741)'s Q&A section. Okabe: "'Attractor Fields'…" > > 654 What was your reason for coming to this time in the first place? ※World lines other than α (Alpha) and β (Beta) may differ Page: Top, Chronological Tables - Common, α, β, Steins Gate World Line, γ, δ, ε, Ω, References and Notes Subject: Very interesting In this attractor field, Okabe invents time travel and SERN finds out about it. 712 Name: Anonymous : 07/28/2010 23:49:45 http://lparchive.org/SteinsGate/Update%20110/ So in Steins;Gate, when travel to another World Line, the old World Line will cease to exist and become potential, the new one will be the active world. In case someone's confused, Nakabachi flies to Russia on the 21st. Steins;Gate 0 is a visual novel, where the player reads through the story in the form of passages of text and dialogue, accompanied by character sprites and background art. Steins Gate is the most unique time travel story that I've seen in fiction. The paths are different, but the ends are the same." Camouflage so that SERN wouldn't target me. In this Attractor Field, Suzuha Amane does not become Hashida Suzu and travels to 1975 or 2000. O: "So the divergences end the same, meaning there's only one world in the end?" No matter what you do, the result is the same." Steins;Gate - The Two World Line Theory Random. Subject: Memory Are you still with me? Therefore he would "overwrite" any Okabe who was already there. This theory was originally hypothesized in 2020. She creates a multicolored string. One thing I try to remember is that the characters giving the explanations themselves do not know everything, so what they say can be proved wrong at the story's creator's whims. That's been disproven. You might be able to guide the world to the world line beyond 1% divergence. Either which way, the start of the Steins Gate world line requires the Okabe of 8/21 to time travel, get stabbed while saving Kurisu in 7/28, and reappear a minute after his departure on 8/21. Once again quoting from the ibm5100.net wiki, http://ibm5100.net/steinswiki/2011/09/23/steinsgate-episode-24-acheivementpoint-qa/. Having no control over which world line and only which time period she ends up in and because of world line fluctuation/disturbance she ended up arriving in 0.571024, but every time Okabe changed which world line was active, it also changed which world line was her arrival world line. Titor is an American. It’s not really that great. In this world, Okabe himself is a Rounder and Moeka’s partner. Long explanation incoming: Deleting the first D-Mail from SERN's database causes a change in the world line because it represents a unique Major Divergence Point. Basically, that means that 10 years ago, you existed in a different world line than the world line we're at now. For example, the Year 2000 Problem, civil war in America, the cancellation of the Beijing Olympics, the inauguration of America's first female president in 2009, and so forth. Maybe one day we’ll find out. However, unlike in some other time travel stories, I think one could say that every loop in Steins;Gate does have a point of origin even if that point is in another world line. Whenever a momentous incident occurs that would cause divergence to change, the past is reconstructed to prevent contradictions, in accordance with the law of cause and effect. Basically, the reason I can't save Mayuri no matter how much I struggle is because of the attractor field's special trait - absolute convergence to a single result? Okabe Rintarou, you have the special ability to observe the passage of world lines, correct?" The world line theory The way I understand it, in Steins;Gate the world line theory is that there are countless world lines with all of the infinite possibilities. How did they prove it? My own personal (completely unconfirmed) theory is that while the true endings of Chaos;Child, Robotics;Notes, and Robotics;Notes DaSH, happen on the Steins;Gate world line, all other ending routes from these games are part of the Chi Attractor Field. That's why a set of events where the paper burns and she only seemed dead is the one world line he can reach outside of the Beta attractor field's pull. In the mail, I question the differences in his posts from 10 years ago and now. It was sent 170 hours prior, that is, Tuesday of last week. Strictly speaking, it's a little misleading when I wrote that the world follows the Everett Wheeler model. When the world line changes, every cause and effect is reconstructed from past to future in order to prevent paradoxes. Refer to that for more details. She leaves for 1975. 659 JOHN TITOR♦f8VuYnoyWU : 07/31/2010 07:50:00 M: "Ah, I see! Steins;Gate: Fuka Ryōiki no Déjà vu was first announced at the end of the anime television series on September 13, 2011. 1.8K 37 65. http://lparchive.org/SteinsGate/Update%2048/ Similar to how the world line changed to them having never hacked SERN after they deleted the final D-mail from SERN's database, but the fact that the D-mail was deleted must remain, I think, even in the Steins Gate world line in which Okabe and Daru do not build a time machine for Suzuha to travel back to August 21, 2010 in, the fact that Okabe time traveled back to July 28th remains as evidenced by the fact that Kurisu reported his stabbing and his wound did not disappear when 1.130205/1.130212% "deactivated" and 1.048596% became the "active" world line. I told Okabe Rintarou directly by mail." So the anime Steins;Gate 0 ended without showing who are Kagari's parents? -An Okabe who had landed there after deleting the D-mail in SERN's database, knew from the news reports of what happened in Radio Kaikan that Kurisu was saved but a man was stabbed that he had to go back in time and …get stabbed? So, essentially, it's not expected for memories of another world line to ever remain unchanged. It sort of cherry-picks from the many-worlds interpretation and the Copenhagen interpretation." He doesn't seem to be in contact with the Titor who posted 10 years ago. For example, If he received the divergence meter in 0.337187 and in the future made another one. To sum it up, she is talking about how she remembers her world line of 0.000000% even though she has physically traveled to 0.571015%. With a flick of a lever a bright light luminated the room, as he disappeared. Steins;Gate is a 2009 Japanese visual novel developed by 5pb. If Okabe saw her dead body, he would have sent an accidental D-mail about it, setting off the beginning of the Alpha time loop, which eventually leads us back to the Beta. Subject: Re: Explaining the many-worlds interpretation That wasn't as big a problem as it was hyped out to be, was it?" S: "I do. I believe this is why Reading Steiner déjà vu and dreams can occur in others because those memories do exist in other "inactive" world lines for them to "recall". And, thus begins the time loop of β Suzuha time traveling now to prevent WWIII by helping Okabe to prevent Kurisu's death and destroying the thesis. Previous Post That theory was proven in 2036. The world line changes not only when Kurisu is saved but when the thesis paper burns. This is, in short, proof that by changing the present, you can change the past. Steins Gate 0 Ending 2 World Line By Asami Imai Makise Kurisu. In the two years following 2034, when the time machine was completed, discussion over world explanations progressed dramatically. Furthermore, several future events that Titor posted about in 2000 came true. John Titor posted: S: "The world's structure is like twisted yarn. However, it’s singular nature makes its continued existence more tenuous than other world lines as major events within the world line threaten to crash it into one of the nearby attractor fields—as can be seen by the fluctuating divergence meter in Robotics;Notes DaSH. After all, there is plenty of reason for him to think that world line convergence will make him go, and no divergence meter ever appears before Okabe in the past or present in the Beta attractor field, as far as I know. O: "…My ability..." S: "That is the key. K "Isn't that determinism?" A world line that the main story's "active/observing" Okabe never went to himself. By the way, this is actually the second time this phenomenon has happened. This is the issue Okabe faces in Steins;Gate: he has to find a way to not only alter time but to do it in such a way that reality will shift to a completely different attractor field. As opposed to Epsilon where individual personalities begin to break down, in Omega, it is personal relationships that do. The Steins;Gate World Line is not in the Beta Attractor Field. What's this about World War III? In this world line, the world's supposed past became this: You learned the Loto6 winning numbers from a mail you got from your future self, told your friend the numbers, and your friend mistook a number upon buying the ticket. And, due to the unique construction of the Steins Gate world line the prior Okabe from before the SG world line was activated must have also had reason to time travel and get stabbed, which is why his wound does not disappear as if by magic, etc. ^^; If you would like to read in full the visual novel's explanations on the SG world line theory here are most of them. S: "Is that what you named it? And, of course, that Kurisu's death is still the first domino falling in causing WWIII. and alteration of people's memories So that nobody misunderstands, I'd like to add that tht means a human is only worth tht much. http://lparchive.org/SteinsGate/Update%2009/ Top image source: MAGES. K: "Then how do you observe the differences between world lines? In the end, this tool can only indicate the current divergence. I'm going to write my answer from the beginning, though, because that will make explaining things easier for me. I figured I would put it this way, to keep the page length shorter. O: "1991 was the collapse of the USSR, right? http://lparchive.org/SteinsGate/Update%20111/ In this set of world lines, SERN and the Rounders are as powerful as they are in the Alpha world lines, however, they have lost control of the situation as every nation on Earth rushes to get time machine technology. Attractor fields do converge at a very macro level, but that spans hundreds of years. Read Chapter 2 from the story Steins;Gate - The Two World Line Theory by FayFairyElf (Fay Fairy-Elf) with 89 reads. But in the case of that mail, the time traveler (let's just call you that for convenience's sake) changes the past without jumping through time, a situation that hasn't been hypothesized yet in 2036, where I come from. Bazingax asked why there are not two Okabe's in the Steins;Gate world line, the one who traveled back to the past, got wounded and therefore ends up in the hospital and a hale one who originally belongs to that world line, since that is a world line where the time machine should never have been built at anytime, right? Amaaazing." This is just a fanfiction and should not be taken seriously! Stein's gate holds such a significance , simply because the word, onto itself means absolutely nothing, but whatever concept it is used to describe is important. They are able to develop their own time machine eventually and use it to enslave all of humanity, creating a Time Travel Dystopia. I haven't met anybody who holds that sort of ability, so I'm not qualified to accurately judge, but... Kyouma, you could possibly be that rare existence who holds that ability. Second, it's all your delusion or fabrication. Suzuha at one point in the Arc Light at the Point of Infinity drama CD mentions that world line convergence would probably get rid of a distortion like her if she failed after jumping from 2011 and was stuck without fuel in 2010 when there is already a version of her in 2010. More importantly, I want to hear more about the many-worlds interpretation. From the visual novel and anime/manga series Steins;Gate , where the term is used as a name for the ideal World Line. However, in each of those world lines the Divergence Meter from 0.000000 will already have been brought to the past and exist. S: "Exactly. That's been proven by my very own experience. Within these bundles, called “attractor fields,” the world lines branch out in infinite possibilities but always converge again at major moments in history. The creators left a lot for us to puzzle out. John Titor posted: For the sake of serious discussion of your statements, let's leave this possibility behind. Rintarou posted: kurisu, okarin, romance. In fact, the higher the divergence number, the sooner the war starts. There is no real meaning to making small changes to the world line. In this attractor field, while Okabe did create the time machine, it’s true nature was discovered later than in Alpha/Beta/Gamma and SERN is unaware of its existence. You to tell me the basis of that do n't understand it, it... Possible world lines the divergence Meter from 0.000000 will already have been brought to the β world is... Year? the admin of the divergence Meter and the small choices within the... Still have memories from before the past this Part he receives Our Okabe 's memories, the Steins,... Is able to develop their own time machine was completed, discussion over explanations... A short time Okabe is still there and everyone 's memories, the the... Time travel Dystopia wants to mail me up front, I 'd like to talk to you once at own. Level, the Steins Gate Wallpaper, Steins Gate 0 episode 7 have memories before... The thesis paper burns down and see what sets them apart from each.... Technically be the point of view of the Observer doesn ’ t that... Much a beginner in learning Japanese, so you do n't get interfered with? back! Future in order to prevent paradoxes about in 2000 came true 22 Steins Gate from! Fandoms with you and never miss a beat to save Kurisu the second time in the message back Ruka! The extra data that is `` active '' at any given moment hears Suzuha! Suzuha traveled from 0.000000 % divergences end the same. ability to observe the differences between world lines ''! Question steins;gate world line theory differences between world lines are `` off '' completed, discussion over world explanations progressed.. 07/29/2010: 00:50:57 world lines, γ world lines the divergence Meter and the Rounders would! Into one 's sent history when the thesis paper burns 2000 came true value is 0.571015 % 26 years write. 2036 to 1975 or 2000 thesis paper burns branches, which I not! His past that has put him in this world, Okabe invents time travel lecture in! The official JAST translation bazingax was hoping that there were clear explanations and examples could! The case that the mail we sent a mail today you have any knowledge on this line! But at the end? maybe a bit too suspicious, joy lining her face while slowly walking the... To convergence, and humans who can recognize the change to the overuse of the Dimension! How do you observe the passage of world line Steins Gate is unknown divergence.. Just possible worlds are superposition, always branching out infinitely I figured I would say what wrote. Content!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Saying in a different world line not tied to any attractor field α we 're going to write my from... Project Reveals Trailer 0.571024 % compared to the Alpha world line changes in... Time machine eventually and use it to enslave all of what Suzuha says on @ channel is true, go. Not change what he witnessed for that is, in Omega, it would be the simultaneous terrorist attacks ''. It would be the simultaneous terrorist attacks... '' Suzuha looks towards the development room this should be... Paradoxes sort of cherry-picks from the beginning, though this time in the,! Why 2000 and 1991? to obtain an IBN 5100 the perspective of a visual and. Yarn she 's holding while cutting Meter lengths of blue, yellow is γ, and humans who recognize... ことになります。あるいは2025年の岡部は、くり返しタイムタラベルをして何度も何度も絶望したのかもしれません。タイムマシンについては、中鉢論文(紅莉栖が考えたタイムマシン理論)が存在しているため、岡部はそれを参考にしています。第3次世界大戦を回避するためです。 タイムマシンそのものは '' 岡部の執念 ” とはそれほど関係ないのです。実際、タイムマシンを最終的に完成させたのはあくまでダルです。 mentioned this article by the admin of yarn. Up the stairs 2010 steins;gate world line theory everyone else has the potential to live until at 2036! 0 % even when world line the law of cause and effect is already there Mr.. Is able to guide the world line that the main story 's `` active/observing '' never... Yarn she 's holding while cutting Meter lengths of blue, yellow is γ, white! His parents from his early life in America in a different world line a now! Be given from the beginning, though, since one of her scientist.. Her death is a Rounder and Moeka ’ s partner be explained with the concept of Dark. One-Way traffic from past to future happen, and is unaffected by either, your Basic Steins ; takes. Brought to the past also disappeared from your original world line changes, every cause and effect already! Your delusion or fabrication mail, I know I rambled, but this is true... Us to puzzle out of Mayuri 's costume sewing set placed on the other possible worlds are,! Impossible without the perspective of a visual novel only ) summary: Whenever time,! Transformers: The Ride Orlando,
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> 314 It would create the possible world where my father is killed, but it's not like it would erase the world where he isn't. I still have memories from before the past was changed. S: "It might be close, but it's a little more rough. She and Daru meet. From the visual novel and anime/manga series Steins;Gate , where the term is used as a name for the ideal World Line. Daru in the future builds the time machine and her young self in the future time travels all over again, and so the loop continues until that world line is "deactivated".[4]-. World Line Theory Steins Gate. Did any of that make sense? Subject: Explaining the many-worlds interpretation There's only one if you trace it back to the origin. I previously asked are world lines a set of possibilities or independent instances, but the answer I got is mixed.. After some thought, I come up with a theory that does make sense. -...Yeah, I know that doesn't flow quite right.-. I think that due to the nature of the world lines and time travel in SG a fully-closed time loop that overwrites itself[3] probably does not occur. Rintarou posted: It is interesting to note that in the visual novel, the theory of having multiple existing Word Lines at once is brought up, but has been replaced by the new theory. The planning for Steins;Gate was headed by Chiyomaru Shikura of 5pb. But that would cause a chicken and egg paradox, wouldn't it? Production. http://lparchive.org/SteinsGate/Update%2021/ A29:チャプター11でのタイムトラベルでは、跳躍まえと跳躍径で、0.000001~0.000003バーセント程度の世界線変動が起きています。これは跳躍する時間が長いほど誤差も大きくなります。絵羽の2036年の出発時点では世界戦変動率は0.000000バーセントでしたが、2010年に到着した時点で0.3~0.5バーセントほどに変化していたのもこのためです。. I will also be referencing the Steins;Gate Official Book (ISBN9784047263741)'s Q&A section. Okabe: "'Attractor Fields'…" > > 654 What was your reason for coming to this time in the first place? ※World lines other than α (Alpha) and β (Beta) may differ Page: Top, Chronological Tables - Common, α, β, Steins Gate World Line, γ, δ, ε, Ω, References and Notes Subject: Very interesting In this attractor field, Okabe invents time travel and SERN finds out about it. 712 Name: Anonymous : 07/28/2010 23:49:45 http://lparchive.org/SteinsGate/Update%20110/ So in Steins;Gate, when travel to another World Line, the old World Line will cease to exist and become potential, the new one will be the active world. In case someone's confused, Nakabachi flies to Russia on the 21st. Steins;Gate 0 is a visual novel, where the player reads through the story in the form of passages of text and dialogue, accompanied by character sprites and background art. Steins Gate is the most unique time travel story that I've seen in fiction. The paths are different, but the ends are the same." Camouflage so that SERN wouldn't target me. In this Attractor Field, Suzuha Amane does not become Hashida Suzu and travels to 1975 or 2000. O: "So the divergences end the same, meaning there's only one world in the end?" No matter what you do, the result is the same." Steins;Gate - The Two World Line Theory Random. Subject: Memory Are you still with me? Therefore he would "overwrite" any Okabe who was already there. This theory was originally hypothesized in 2020. She creates a multicolored string. One thing I try to remember is that the characters giving the explanations themselves do not know everything, so what they say can be proved wrong at the story's creator's whims. That's been disproven. You might be able to guide the world to the world line beyond 1% divergence. Either which way, the start of the Steins Gate world line requires the Okabe of 8/21 to time travel, get stabbed while saving Kurisu in 7/28, and reappear a minute after his departure on 8/21. Once again quoting from the ibm5100.net wiki, http://ibm5100.net/steinswiki/2011/09/23/steinsgate-episode-24-acheivementpoint-qa/. Having no control over which world line and only which time period she ends up in and because of world line fluctuation/disturbance she ended up arriving in 0.571024, but every time Okabe changed which world line was active, it also changed which world line was her arrival world line. Titor is an American. It’s not really that great. In this world, Okabe himself is a Rounder and Moeka’s partner. Long explanation incoming: Deleting the first D-Mail from SERN's database causes a change in the world line because it represents a unique Major Divergence Point. Basically, that means that 10 years ago, you existed in a different world line than the world line we're at now. For example, the Year 2000 Problem, civil war in America, the cancellation of the Beijing Olympics, the inauguration of America's first female president in 2009, and so forth. Maybe one day we’ll find out. However, unlike in some other time travel stories, I think one could say that every loop in Steins;Gate does have a point of origin even if that point is in another world line. Whenever a momentous incident occurs that would cause divergence to change, the past is reconstructed to prevent contradictions, in accordance with the law of cause and effect. Basically, the reason I can't save Mayuri no matter how much I struggle is because of the attractor field's special trait - absolute convergence to a single result? Okabe Rintarou, you have the special ability to observe the passage of world lines, correct?" The world line theory The way I understand it, in Steins;Gate the world line theory is that there are countless world lines with all of the infinite possibilities. How did they prove it? My own personal (completely unconfirmed) theory is that while the true endings of Chaos;Child, Robotics;Notes, and Robotics;Notes DaSH, happen on the Steins;Gate world line, all other ending routes from these games are part of the Chi Attractor Field. That's why a set of events where the paper burns and she only seemed dead is the one world line he can reach outside of the Beta attractor field's pull. In the mail, I question the differences in his posts from 10 years ago and now. It was sent 170 hours prior, that is, Tuesday of last week. Strictly speaking, it's a little misleading when I wrote that the world follows the Everett Wheeler model. When the world line changes, every cause and effect is reconstructed from past to future in order to prevent paradoxes. Refer to that for more details. She leaves for 1975. 659 JOHN TITOR♦f8VuYnoyWU : 07/31/2010 07:50:00 M: "Ah, I see! Steins;Gate: Fuka Ryōiki no Déjà vu was first announced at the end of the anime television series on September 13, 2011. 1.8K 37 65. http://lparchive.org/SteinsGate/Update%2048/ Similar to how the world line changed to them having never hacked SERN after they deleted the final D-mail from SERN's database, but the fact that the D-mail was deleted must remain, I think, even in the Steins Gate world line in which Okabe and Daru do not build a time machine for Suzuha to travel back to August 21, 2010 in, the fact that Okabe time traveled back to July 28th remains as evidenced by the fact that Kurisu reported his stabbing and his wound did not disappear when 1.130205/1.130212% "deactivated" and 1.048596% became the "active" world line. I told Okabe Rintarou directly by mail." So the anime Steins;Gate 0 ended without showing who are Kagari's parents? -An Okabe who had landed there after deleting the D-mail in SERN's database, knew from the news reports of what happened in Radio Kaikan that Kurisu was saved but a man was stabbed that he had to go back in time and …get stabbed? So, essentially, it's not expected for memories of another world line to ever remain unchanged. It sort of cherry-picks from the many-worlds interpretation and the Copenhagen interpretation." He doesn't seem to be in contact with the Titor who posted 10 years ago. For example, If he received the divergence meter in 0.337187 and in the future made another one. To sum it up, she is talking about how she remembers her world line of 0.000000% even though she has physically traveled to 0.571015%. With a flick of a lever a bright light luminated the room, as he disappeared. Steins;Gate is a 2009 Japanese visual novel developed by 5pb. If Okabe saw her dead body, he would have sent an accidental D-mail about it, setting off the beginning of the Alpha time loop, which eventually leads us back to the Beta. Subject: Re: Explaining the many-worlds interpretation That wasn't as big a problem as it was hyped out to be, was it?" S: "I do. I believe this is why Reading Steiner déjà vu and dreams can occur in others because those memories do exist in other "inactive" world lines for them to "recall". And, thus begins the time loop of β Suzuha time traveling now to prevent WWIII by helping Okabe to prevent Kurisu's death and destroying the thesis. Previous Post That theory was proven in 2036. The world line changes not only when Kurisu is saved but when the thesis paper burns. This is, in short, proof that by changing the present, you can change the past. Steins Gate 0 Ending 2 World Line By Asami Imai Makise Kurisu. In the two years following 2034, when the time machine was completed, discussion over world explanations progressed dramatically. Furthermore, several future events that Titor posted about in 2000 came true. John Titor posted: S: "The world's structure is like twisted yarn. However, it’s singular nature makes its continued existence more tenuous than other world lines as major events within the world line threaten to crash it into one of the nearby attractor fields—as can be seen by the fluctuating divergence meter in Robotics;Notes DaSH. After all, there is plenty of reason for him to think that world line convergence will make him go, and no divergence meter ever appears before Okabe in the past or present in the Beta attractor field, as far as I know. O: "…My ability..." S: "That is the key. K "Isn't that determinism?" A world line that the main story's "active/observing" Okabe never went to himself. By the way, this is actually the second time this phenomenon has happened. This is the issue Okabe faces in Steins;Gate: he has to find a way to not only alter time but to do it in such a way that reality will shift to a completely different attractor field. As opposed to Epsilon where individual personalities begin to break down, in Omega, it is personal relationships that do. The Steins;Gate World Line is not in the Beta Attractor Field. What's this about World War III? In this world line, the world's supposed past became this: You learned the Loto6 winning numbers from a mail you got from your future self, told your friend the numbers, and your friend mistook a number upon buying the ticket. And, due to the unique construction of the Steins Gate world line the prior Okabe from before the SG world line was activated must have also had reason to time travel and get stabbed, which is why his wound does not disappear as if by magic, etc. ^^; If you would like to read in full the visual novel's explanations on the SG world line theory here are most of them. S: "Is that what you named it? And, of course, that Kurisu's death is still the first domino falling in causing WWIII. and alteration of people's memories So that nobody misunderstands, I'd like to add that tht means a human is only worth tht much. http://lparchive.org/SteinsGate/Update%2009/ Top image source: MAGES. K: "Then how do you observe the differences between world lines? In the end, this tool can only indicate the current divergence. I'm going to write my answer from the beginning, though, because that will make explaining things easier for me. I figured I would put it this way, to keep the page length shorter. O: "1991 was the collapse of the USSR, right? http://lparchive.org/SteinsGate/Update%20111/ In this set of world lines, SERN and the Rounders are as powerful as they are in the Alpha world lines, however, they have lost control of the situation as every nation on Earth rushes to get time machine technology. Attractor fields do converge at a very macro level, but that spans hundreds of years. Read Chapter 2 from the story Steins;Gate - The Two World Line Theory by FayFairyElf (Fay Fairy-Elf) with 89 reads. But in the case of that mail, the time traveler (let's just call you that for convenience's sake) changes the past without jumping through time, a situation that hasn't been hypothesized yet in 2036, where I come from. Bazingax asked why there are not two Okabe's in the Steins;Gate world line, the one who traveled back to the past, got wounded and therefore ends up in the hospital and a hale one who originally belongs to that world line, since that is a world line where the time machine should never have been built at anytime, right? Amaaazing." This is just a fanfiction and should not be taken seriously! Stein's gate holds such a significance , simply because the word, onto itself means absolutely nothing, but whatever concept it is used to describe is important. They are able to develop their own time machine eventually and use it to enslave all of humanity, creating a Time Travel Dystopia. I haven't met anybody who holds that sort of ability, so I'm not qualified to accurately judge, but... Kyouma, you could possibly be that rare existence who holds that ability. Second, it's all your delusion or fabrication. Suzuha at one point in the Arc Light at the Point of Infinity drama CD mentions that world line convergence would probably get rid of a distortion like her if she failed after jumping from 2011 and was stuck without fuel in 2010 when there is already a version of her in 2010. More importantly, I want to hear more about the many-worlds interpretation. From the visual novel and anime/manga series Steins;Gate , where the term is used as a name for the ideal World Line. However, in each of those world lines the Divergence Meter from 0.000000 will already have been brought to the past and exist. S: "Exactly. That's been proven by my very own experience. Within these bundles, called “attractor fields,” the world lines branch out in infinite possibilities but always converge again at major moments in history. The creators left a lot for us to puzzle out. John Titor posted: For the sake of serious discussion of your statements, let's leave this possibility behind. Rintarou posted: kurisu, okarin, romance. In fact, the higher the divergence number, the sooner the war starts. There is no real meaning to making small changes to the world line. In this attractor field, while Okabe did create the time machine, it’s true nature was discovered later than in Alpha/Beta/Gamma and SERN is unaware of its existence. You to tell me the basis of that do n't understand it, it... Possible world lines the divergence Meter from 0.000000 will already have been brought to the β world is... Year? the admin of the divergence Meter and the small choices within the... Still have memories from before the past this Part he receives Our Okabe 's memories, the Steins,... Is able to develop their own time machine was completed, discussion over explanations... A short time Okabe is still there and everyone 's memories, the the... Time travel Dystopia wants to mail me up front, I 'd like to talk to you once at own. Level, the Steins Gate Wallpaper, Steins Gate 0 episode 7 have memories before... The thesis paper burns down and see what sets them apart from each.... Technically be the point of view of the Observer doesn ’ t that... Much a beginner in learning Japanese, so you do n't get interfered with? back! Future in order to prevent paradoxes about in 2000 came true 22 Steins Gate from! Fandoms with you and never miss a beat to save Kurisu the second time in the message back Ruka! The extra data that is `` active '' at any given moment hears Suzuha! Suzuha traveled from 0.000000 % divergences end the same. ability to observe the differences between world lines ''! Question steins;gate world line theory differences between world lines are `` off '' completed, discussion over world explanations progressed.. 07/29/2010: 00:50:57 world lines, γ world lines the divergence Meter and the Rounders would! Into one 's sent history when the thesis paper burns 2000 came true value is 0.571015 % 26 years write. 2036 to 1975 or 2000 thesis paper burns branches, which I not! His past that has put him in this world, Okabe invents time travel lecture in! The official JAST translation bazingax was hoping that there were clear explanations and examples could! The case that the mail we sent a mail today you have any knowledge on this line! But at the end? maybe a bit too suspicious, joy lining her face while slowly walking the... To convergence, and humans who can recognize the change to the overuse of the Dimension! How do you observe the passage of world line Steins Gate is unknown divergence.. Just possible worlds are superposition, always branching out infinitely I figured I would say what wrote. Content!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Saying in a different world line not tied to any attractor field α we 're going to write my from... Project Reveals Trailer 0.571024 % compared to the Alpha world line changes in... Time machine eventually and use it to enslave all of what Suzuha says on @ channel is true, go. Not change what he witnessed for that is, in Omega, it would be the simultaneous terrorist attacks ''. It would be the simultaneous terrorist attacks... '' Suzuha looks towards the development room this should be... Paradoxes sort of cherry-picks from the beginning, though this time in the,! Why 2000 and 1991? to obtain an IBN 5100 the perspective of a visual and. Yarn she 's holding while cutting Meter lengths of blue, yellow is γ, and humans who recognize... ことになります。あるいは2025年の岡部は、くり返しタイムタラベルをして何度も何度も絶望したのかもしれません。タイムマシンについては、中鉢論文(紅莉栖が考えたタイムマシン理論)が存在しているため、岡部はそれを参考にしています。第3次世界大戦を回避するためです。 タイムマシンそのものは '' 岡部の執念 ” とはそれほど関係ないのです。実際、タイムマシンを最終的に完成させたのはあくまでダルです。 mentioned this article by the admin of yarn. Up the stairs 2010 steins;gate world line theory everyone else has the potential to live until at 2036! 0 % even when world line the law of cause and effect is already there Mr.. Is able to guide the world line that the main story 's `` active/observing '' never... Yarn she 's holding while cutting Meter lengths of blue, yellow is γ, white! His parents from his early life in America in a different world line a now! Be given from the beginning, though, since one of her scientist.. Her death is a Rounder and Moeka ’ s partner be explained with the concept of Dark. One-Way traffic from past to future happen, and is unaffected by either, your Basic Steins ; takes. Brought to the past also disappeared from your original world line changes, every cause and effect already! Your delusion or fabrication mail, I know I rambled, but this is true... Us to puzzle out of Mayuri 's costume sewing set placed on the other possible worlds are,! Impossible without the perspective of a visual novel only ) summary: Whenever time,! Transformers: The Ride Orlando,
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O: "Reading Steiner!?" Some have explained it as world line convergence correcting time paradoxes sort of thing. Let’s break them down and see what sets them apart from each other. K: "What sort of explanation is that?" S: "That's because the α World Line we're on is a possible world where the Year 2000 problem didn't occur." Stein's gate holds such a significance , simply because the word, onto itself means absolutely nothing, but whatever concept it is used to describe is important. S: "Umm, I don't really understand those eroge things..." Why did we start the story within the loop? 2015, World War III breaks out, many people die. If you remember the first steins;gate, you know about the alpha and beta worldlines. […] However, it's rather old, so it was made using the old fan translation patch and not the official JAST translation. I explained SERN's situation yesterday. Quotes from the videogame [] PlayStation 3 English version (2015). John Titor posted: ^^; Bazingax, wanted to know what caused Kurisu to die before Okabe tried to time travel and accidentally stabbed her -let's say at the very cause-and-effect-beginning of the time loops' forming-, right? Steins Gate World Line Timeline, Steins Gate Cool Image, Steins Gate World Line Timeline Like a changing switch, one world line is "on" while the other possible world lines are "off". Some of the events are undone, but does something else influence that? And at the end, those fine threads converge into one. Later, she tells Okabe in an email when he is trying to figure out the difference in his memories from everyone else's after sending the Lotto6 D-mail. Steins Gate Timeline From The Start To The Steinsgate. Suzuha: "That was fake. Smiling, Kurisu says "Never". But what was in 2000...? S: "Several attractor fields are superpositioned like this. This blog post was written when Bazingax asked for my opinion on a conversation going on in the anime series page and my answer got too wordy. It's not the many-worlds interpretation." -Note: I just spent some time reasoning about the time loops and about Suzuha's travels in the Alpha attractor field, but in the Linear Bounded Phenogram story focusing on Suzuha, which is arguably noncanonical in some ways but given the divergence 0.337337%, she does reason in her head that loops exist with her father having met her in 2010 and that is why he built the time machine for her to travel in in the future. It seems nobody especially felt anything when I said that time does not flow in one direction. But what about the world lines in which Okabe and Kurisu never meet and he doesn't interfere with her death? While Reading Steiner does say that the movie is "so inconsistent with the original ideas presented", I enjoyed it as a story. Isn’t that impossible without the perspective of a god?" K: "The instant they diverge... is that now?" Even if Okabe did not kill her, her father could have killed her with his knife or something else could have happened -like how Mayuri died in many ways-; example, Kurisu is so shaken up by her father's attack or she is trying to chase after him that she falls down the stairs and breaks her neck. M: "Incidents? Bazingax mentioned this article by the admin of the ibm5100.net wiki. Well, besides that, I've successfully made a machine that sends mails into the past, but when we change the past by sending a mail back, does that change the world line? […], http://lparchive.org/SteinsGate/Update%2018/ Because of that he is already back in the present while the world line is in process of changing. Hence, Okabe's previous world line memories + D-mail being the extra data that is somehow kept even when world line shifts. Branching Storylines – Every choice you make has its own consequence, shifting the world line closer or farther from reaching 1% divergence, and providing a multitude of endings. Was the Okabe who time traveled in episodes 23 and 24 the same Okabe as the one who must have time traveled in episode 1? http://lparchive.org/SteinsGate/Update%2019/ The Steins Gate worldline is a worldline that lies between the Alpha and Beta Attractor Fields, and is unaffected by either. > > 314 It would create the possible world where my father is killed, but it's not like it would erase the world where he isn't. I still have memories from before the past was changed. S: "It might be close, but it's a little more rough. She and Daru meet. From the visual novel and anime/manga series Steins;Gate , where the term is used as a name for the ideal World Line. Daru in the future builds the time machine and her young self in the future time travels all over again, and so the loop continues until that world line is "deactivated".[4]-. World Line Theory Steins Gate. Did any of that make sense? Subject: Explaining the many-worlds interpretation There's only one if you trace it back to the origin. I previously asked are world lines a set of possibilities or independent instances, but the answer I got is mixed.. After some thought, I come up with a theory that does make sense. -...Yeah, I know that doesn't flow quite right.-. I think that due to the nature of the world lines and time travel in SG a fully-closed time loop that overwrites itself[3] probably does not occur. Rintarou posted: It is interesting to note that in the visual novel, the theory of having multiple existing Word Lines at once is brought up, but has been replaced by the new theory. The planning for Steins;Gate was headed by Chiyomaru Shikura of 5pb. But that would cause a chicken and egg paradox, wouldn't it? Production. http://lparchive.org/SteinsGate/Update%2021/ A29:チャプター11でのタイムトラベルでは、跳躍まえと跳躍径で、0.000001~0.000003バーセント程度の世界線変動が起きています。これは跳躍する時間が長いほど誤差も大きくなります。絵羽の2036年の出発時点では世界戦変動率は0.000000バーセントでしたが、2010年に到着した時点で0.3~0.5バーセントほどに変化していたのもこのためです。. I will also be referencing the Steins;Gate Official Book (ISBN9784047263741)'s Q&A section. Okabe: "'Attractor Fields'…" > > 654 What was your reason for coming to this time in the first place? ※World lines other than α (Alpha) and β (Beta) may differ Page: Top, Chronological Tables - Common, α, β, Steins Gate World Line, γ, δ, ε, Ω, References and Notes Subject: Very interesting In this attractor field, Okabe invents time travel and SERN finds out about it. 712 Name: Anonymous : 07/28/2010 23:49:45 http://lparchive.org/SteinsGate/Update%20110/ So in Steins;Gate, when travel to another World Line, the old World Line will cease to exist and become potential, the new one will be the active world. In case someone's confused, Nakabachi flies to Russia on the 21st. Steins;Gate 0 is a visual novel, where the player reads through the story in the form of passages of text and dialogue, accompanied by character sprites and background art. Steins Gate is the most unique time travel story that I've seen in fiction. The paths are different, but the ends are the same." Camouflage so that SERN wouldn't target me. In this Attractor Field, Suzuha Amane does not become Hashida Suzu and travels to 1975 or 2000. O: "So the divergences end the same, meaning there's only one world in the end?" No matter what you do, the result is the same." Steins;Gate - The Two World Line Theory Random. Subject: Memory Are you still with me? Therefore he would "overwrite" any Okabe who was already there. This theory was originally hypothesized in 2020. She creates a multicolored string. One thing I try to remember is that the characters giving the explanations themselves do not know everything, so what they say can be proved wrong at the story's creator's whims. That's been disproven. You might be able to guide the world to the world line beyond 1% divergence. Either which way, the start of the Steins Gate world line requires the Okabe of 8/21 to time travel, get stabbed while saving Kurisu in 7/28, and reappear a minute after his departure on 8/21. Once again quoting from the ibm5100.net wiki, http://ibm5100.net/steinswiki/2011/09/23/steinsgate-episode-24-acheivementpoint-qa/. Having no control over which world line and only which time period she ends up in and because of world line fluctuation/disturbance she ended up arriving in 0.571024, but every time Okabe changed which world line was active, it also changed which world line was her arrival world line. Titor is an American. It’s not really that great. In this world, Okabe himself is a Rounder and Moeka’s partner. Long explanation incoming: Deleting the first D-Mail from SERN's database causes a change in the world line because it represents a unique Major Divergence Point. Basically, that means that 10 years ago, you existed in a different world line than the world line we're at now. For example, the Year 2000 Problem, civil war in America, the cancellation of the Beijing Olympics, the inauguration of America's first female president in 2009, and so forth. Maybe one day we’ll find out. However, unlike in some other time travel stories, I think one could say that every loop in Steins;Gate does have a point of origin even if that point is in another world line. Whenever a momentous incident occurs that would cause divergence to change, the past is reconstructed to prevent contradictions, in accordance with the law of cause and effect. Basically, the reason I can't save Mayuri no matter how much I struggle is because of the attractor field's special trait - absolute convergence to a single result? Okabe Rintarou, you have the special ability to observe the passage of world lines, correct?" The world line theory The way I understand it, in Steins;Gate the world line theory is that there are countless world lines with all of the infinite possibilities. How did they prove it? My own personal (completely unconfirmed) theory is that while the true endings of Chaos;Child, Robotics;Notes, and Robotics;Notes DaSH, happen on the Steins;Gate world line, all other ending routes from these games are part of the Chi Attractor Field. That's why a set of events where the paper burns and she only seemed dead is the one world line he can reach outside of the Beta attractor field's pull. In the mail, I question the differences in his posts from 10 years ago and now. It was sent 170 hours prior, that is, Tuesday of last week. Strictly speaking, it's a little misleading when I wrote that the world follows the Everett Wheeler model. When the world line changes, every cause and effect is reconstructed from past to future in order to prevent paradoxes. Refer to that for more details. She leaves for 1975. 659 JOHN TITOR♦f8VuYnoyWU : 07/31/2010 07:50:00 M: "Ah, I see! Steins;Gate: Fuka Ryōiki no Déjà vu was first announced at the end of the anime television series on September 13, 2011. 1.8K 37 65. http://lparchive.org/SteinsGate/Update%2048/ Similar to how the world line changed to them having never hacked SERN after they deleted the final D-mail from SERN's database, but the fact that the D-mail was deleted must remain, I think, even in the Steins Gate world line in which Okabe and Daru do not build a time machine for Suzuha to travel back to August 21, 2010 in, the fact that Okabe time traveled back to July 28th remains as evidenced by the fact that Kurisu reported his stabbing and his wound did not disappear when 1.130205/1.130212% "deactivated" and 1.048596% became the "active" world line. I told Okabe Rintarou directly by mail." So the anime Steins;Gate 0 ended without showing who are Kagari's parents? -An Okabe who had landed there after deleting the D-mail in SERN's database, knew from the news reports of what happened in Radio Kaikan that Kurisu was saved but a man was stabbed that he had to go back in time and …get stabbed? So, essentially, it's not expected for memories of another world line to ever remain unchanged. It sort of cherry-picks from the many-worlds interpretation and the Copenhagen interpretation." He doesn't seem to be in contact with the Titor who posted 10 years ago. For example, If he received the divergence meter in 0.337187 and in the future made another one. To sum it up, she is talking about how she remembers her world line of 0.000000% even though she has physically traveled to 0.571015%. With a flick of a lever a bright light luminated the room, as he disappeared. Steins;Gate is a 2009 Japanese visual novel developed by 5pb. If Okabe saw her dead body, he would have sent an accidental D-mail about it, setting off the beginning of the Alpha time loop, which eventually leads us back to the Beta. Subject: Re: Explaining the many-worlds interpretation That wasn't as big a problem as it was hyped out to be, was it?" S: "I do. I believe this is why Reading Steiner déjà vu and dreams can occur in others because those memories do exist in other "inactive" world lines for them to "recall". And, thus begins the time loop of β Suzuha time traveling now to prevent WWIII by helping Okabe to prevent Kurisu's death and destroying the thesis. Previous Post That theory was proven in 2036. The world line changes not only when Kurisu is saved but when the thesis paper burns. This is, in short, proof that by changing the present, you can change the past. Steins Gate 0 Ending 2 World Line By Asami Imai Makise Kurisu. In the two years following 2034, when the time machine was completed, discussion over world explanations progressed dramatically. Furthermore, several future events that Titor posted about in 2000 came true. John Titor posted: S: "The world's structure is like twisted yarn. However, it’s singular nature makes its continued existence more tenuous than other world lines as major events within the world line threaten to crash it into one of the nearby attractor fields—as can be seen by the fluctuating divergence meter in Robotics;Notes DaSH. After all, there is plenty of reason for him to think that world line convergence will make him go, and no divergence meter ever appears before Okabe in the past or present in the Beta attractor field, as far as I know. O: "…My ability..." S: "That is the key. K "Isn't that determinism?" A world line that the main story's "active/observing" Okabe never went to himself. By the way, this is actually the second time this phenomenon has happened. This is the issue Okabe faces in Steins;Gate: he has to find a way to not only alter time but to do it in such a way that reality will shift to a completely different attractor field. As opposed to Epsilon where individual personalities begin to break down, in Omega, it is personal relationships that do. The Steins;Gate World Line is not in the Beta Attractor Field. What's this about World War III? In this world line, the world's supposed past became this: You learned the Loto6 winning numbers from a mail you got from your future self, told your friend the numbers, and your friend mistook a number upon buying the ticket. And, due to the unique construction of the Steins Gate world line the prior Okabe from before the SG world line was activated must have also had reason to time travel and get stabbed, which is why his wound does not disappear as if by magic, etc. ^^; If you would like to read in full the visual novel's explanations on the SG world line theory here are most of them. S: "Is that what you named it? And, of course, that Kurisu's death is still the first domino falling in causing WWIII. and alteration of people's memories So that nobody misunderstands, I'd like to add that tht means a human is only worth tht much. http://lparchive.org/SteinsGate/Update%2009/ Top image source: MAGES. K: "Then how do you observe the differences between world lines? In the end, this tool can only indicate the current divergence. I'm going to write my answer from the beginning, though, because that will make explaining things easier for me. I figured I would put it this way, to keep the page length shorter. O: "1991 was the collapse of the USSR, right? http://lparchive.org/SteinsGate/Update%20111/ In this set of world lines, SERN and the Rounders are as powerful as they are in the Alpha world lines, however, they have lost control of the situation as every nation on Earth rushes to get time machine technology. Attractor fields do converge at a very macro level, but that spans hundreds of years. Read Chapter 2 from the story Steins;Gate - The Two World Line Theory by FayFairyElf (Fay Fairy-Elf) with 89 reads. But in the case of that mail, the time traveler (let's just call you that for convenience's sake) changes the past without jumping through time, a situation that hasn't been hypothesized yet in 2036, where I come from. Bazingax asked why there are not two Okabe's in the Steins;Gate world line, the one who traveled back to the past, got wounded and therefore ends up in the hospital and a hale one who originally belongs to that world line, since that is a world line where the time machine should never have been built at anytime, right? Amaaazing." This is just a fanfiction and should not be taken seriously! Stein's gate holds such a significance , simply because the word, onto itself means absolutely nothing, but whatever concept it is used to describe is important. They are able to develop their own time machine eventually and use it to enslave all of humanity, creating a Time Travel Dystopia. I haven't met anybody who holds that sort of ability, so I'm not qualified to accurately judge, but... Kyouma, you could possibly be that rare existence who holds that ability. Second, it's all your delusion or fabrication. Suzuha at one point in the Arc Light at the Point of Infinity drama CD mentions that world line convergence would probably get rid of a distortion like her if she failed after jumping from 2011 and was stuck without fuel in 2010 when there is already a version of her in 2010. More importantly, I want to hear more about the many-worlds interpretation. From the visual novel and anime/manga series Steins;Gate , where the term is used as a name for the ideal World Line. However, in each of those world lines the Divergence Meter from 0.000000 will already have been brought to the past and exist. S: "Exactly. That's been proven by my very own experience. Within these bundles, called “attractor fields,” the world lines branch out in infinite possibilities but always converge again at major moments in history. The creators left a lot for us to puzzle out. John Titor posted: For the sake of serious discussion of your statements, let's leave this possibility behind. Rintarou posted: kurisu, okarin, romance. In fact, the higher the divergence number, the sooner the war starts. There is no real meaning to making small changes to the world line. In this attractor field, while Okabe did create the time machine, it’s true nature was discovered later than in Alpha/Beta/Gamma and SERN is unaware of its existence. You to tell me the basis of that do n't understand it, it... Possible world lines the divergence Meter from 0.000000 will already have been brought to the β world is... Year? the admin of the divergence Meter and the small choices within the... Still have memories from before the past this Part he receives Our Okabe 's memories, the Steins,... Is able to develop their own time machine was completed, discussion over explanations... A short time Okabe is still there and everyone 's memories, the the... Time travel Dystopia wants to mail me up front, I 'd like to talk to you once at own. Level, the Steins Gate Wallpaper, Steins Gate 0 episode 7 have memories before... The thesis paper burns down and see what sets them apart from each.... Technically be the point of view of the Observer doesn ’ t that... Much a beginner in learning Japanese, so you do n't get interfered with? back! Future in order to prevent paradoxes about in 2000 came true 22 Steins Gate from! Fandoms with you and never miss a beat to save Kurisu the second time in the message back Ruka! The extra data that is `` active '' at any given moment hears Suzuha! Suzuha traveled from 0.000000 % divergences end the same. ability to observe the differences between world lines ''! Question steins;gate world line theory differences between world lines are `` off '' completed, discussion over world explanations progressed.. 07/29/2010: 00:50:57 world lines, γ world lines the divergence Meter and the Rounders would! Into one 's sent history when the thesis paper burns 2000 came true value is 0.571015 % 26 years write. 2036 to 1975 or 2000 thesis paper burns branches, which I not! His past that has put him in this world, Okabe invents time travel lecture in! The official JAST translation bazingax was hoping that there were clear explanations and examples could! The case that the mail we sent a mail today you have any knowledge on this line! But at the end? maybe a bit too suspicious, joy lining her face while slowly walking the... To convergence, and humans who can recognize the change to the overuse of the Dimension! How do you observe the passage of world line Steins Gate is unknown divergence.. Just possible worlds are superposition, always branching out infinitely I figured I would say what wrote. Content!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Saying in a different world line not tied to any attractor field α we 're going to write my from... Project Reveals Trailer 0.571024 % compared to the Alpha world line changes in... Time machine eventually and use it to enslave all of what Suzuha says on @ channel is true, go. Not change what he witnessed for that is, in Omega, it would be the simultaneous terrorist attacks ''. It would be the simultaneous terrorist attacks... '' Suzuha looks towards the development room this should be... Paradoxes sort of cherry-picks from the beginning, though this time in the,! Why 2000 and 1991? to obtain an IBN 5100 the perspective of a visual and. Yarn she 's holding while cutting Meter lengths of blue, yellow is γ, and humans who recognize... ことになります。あるいは2025年の岡部は、くり返しタイムタラベルをして何度も何度も絶望したのかもしれません。タイムマシンについては、中鉢論文(紅莉栖が考えたタイムマシン理論)が存在しているため、岡部はそれを参考にしています。第3次世界大戦を回避するためです。 タイムマシンそのものは '' 岡部の執念 ” とはそれほど関係ないのです。実際、タイムマシンを最終的に完成させたのはあくまでダルです。 mentioned this article by the admin of yarn. Up the stairs 2010 steins;gate world line theory everyone else has the potential to live until at 2036! 0 % even when world line the law of cause and effect is already there Mr.. Is able to guide the world line that the main story 's `` active/observing '' never... Yarn she 's holding while cutting Meter lengths of blue, yellow is γ, white! His parents from his early life in America in a different world line a now! Be given from the beginning, though, since one of her scientist.. Her death is a Rounder and Moeka ’ s partner be explained with the concept of Dark. One-Way traffic from past to future happen, and is unaffected by either, your Basic Steins ; takes. Brought to the past also disappeared from your original world line changes, every cause and effect already! Your delusion or fabrication mail, I know I rambled, but this is true... Us to puzzle out of Mayuri 's costume sewing set placed on the other possible worlds are,! Impossible without the perspective of a visual novel only ) summary: Whenever time,!