hope in crisis sermon
The world desperately needs hope in these end times. This would be the interstate trip through the passage. I think it is good for us to remember that while life is rugged at times, there is something else that is going on. We will be there to witness the supernatural opening of that gate as it welcomes Jesus to the holy city of Jerusalem (Psalm 24:7-8): Lift up your heads, O gates, It is happening in the passage, but it is not happening in good times; it is happening in the pressure cooker. That hope restores meaning and purpose from the rubble of our shattered lives. At His return, I was taught that a “big bang” would occur that would vaporize the universe. Christ might also use the market downturn as an opportunity to remind us that putting our hope in money is a bad idea. It is true that Peter said that the current earth will be “destroyed” by fire (2 Peter 3:10,12), but in the context, it is clear that he is referring to a radical transformation of the current earth. Both of these verses remind us of the entrance ramp I call, the priority of prayer. For many, hopelessness has become their existence. The pressure made them better. We will be given the blessing of seeing this old sin-sick world flooded with peace, righteousness and justice, “as the waters cover the sea” (Isaiah 11:9). I think it also means we will grow in our knowledge of the Lord forever. This was when His disciples were given a glimpse of His coming glory. We live in a world of increasing fears — fear of nuclear holocaust, fear of economic collapse, fear of plagues like AIDS, fear of terrorism, fear of war, and — of course — fear of life and of death. You see, I grew up in a church that believed it is a terrible sin to play a musical instrument in a worship service. This is a normal Christian experience while we are still just saved sinners. My hairline is in recession; my waistline is in inflation; and altogether I am in depression!" In the first 12 verses of Paul's letter we can learn volumes about how hope bubbles in the pressure cooker. I listened as the man voiced a common concern: "Everyone is worried about the economy this year. To say that we are living in changing times is to make the understatement of the day. He elaborated on the meaning of this statement by adding that his desire was “to depart and be with Christ” (Philippians 1:23). 1) Viktor Frankl, Man’s Search for Meaning (New York, NY: Washington Square Press, a division of Simon & Schuster, 1963, revised and updated edition in 1998). He is infinite, and no matter how much we come to know Him, there will be just that much more for us to experience. When the pressure of life is on, I'm more motivated than at any other time to want hope surging through my spirit. When we place our faith in God and the resurrection of Jesus from the dead, we then trust Him to take us to Heaven. When the Millennium ends and we move into the Eternal State, the Bible does not go into detail as to what our activities will be. Jesus is pictured eating with His disciples several times, including a meal of fish on the shore of the Sea of Galilee (Luke 24:30-31, 41-42, and John 21:10-13). The blood on the ground was a reminder that the sacrifice of the Messiah would make it possible for the curse to be lifted and for the animal and plant kingdoms to be returned to their original perfection (Isaiah 11:6-9 and Romans 8:18-23). Maranatha! When the fish were shipped live, they arrived flavorless and would not sell because they were soft and mushy. Hope in Troubled Times Jeremiah 29: 11-13 Have you ever known a time more desperate than this? Who is the King of glory? We have all known someone who has walked through a time of crisis responding in ways we can’t imagine. “The whole earth will acknowledge the Lord and return to Him. The truth is that without Him we are lost and doomed. All my life I have heard people say, “There are two things in life that no one can avoid: death and taxes.” That statement is wrong. There will be no homeless people or hungry people (Isaiah 65:21-22 and Micah 4:4). Lord of lords and begins His glorious millennial reign. What is your hope? This will be the time of our judgment, not to determine our eternal destiny, but to determine our degrees of reward. Articles Sermons Topics Books Podcasts Features About Donate. It ends with the famous phrase: “There are three things that remain [or abide] — faith, hope, and love — and the greatest of these is love” (1 Corinthians 13:13). As he continued to write, he'd occasionally glance at that stack and remember how much he believed in what he had written. I wish I could accept universalism, which teaches that all will be saved. I wish that I could erase that from my Bible at times. But I can't; no one can. An entrance ramp is found in verses 8-9. Yet, Jesus was speaking the truth. John kept each and every one of them. Because Jesus has risen, there is hope. Although the man knew nothing about music, he would raise the flute, pucker his lips, and move his fingers, but he never made a sound. The rich man’s spirit went to a compartment in Hades called “Torments.” The spirit of Lazarus went to a compartment named “Abraham’s bosom.” On the Cross, Jesus referred to Abraham’s bosom as “Paradise” (Luke 23:43). Preaching After a Tragedy. Others will consist of crowns and special robes. If you buried your best friend one day, and he knocked on your door the next, would you recognize him? That hope allows us to face life every day knowing that God is in control. While everyone is good at talking in times of peace, moments of crisis define who we truly are and what we truly believe. He sees “a great multitude… from every nation and all tribes and peoples and tongues,” standing before the throne of God “clothed in white robes” and waving palm branches in worship (Revelation 7:9). That makes all the difference! Hosanna to the King of kings!” as He rides down the Kidron Valley on His white horse and approaches the Eastern Gate. This scam went on for two years. Many people have been confronted with the constant stream of Covid-19 coronavirus updates will … The only thing we cannot avoid is taxes and more taxes. The good news is that because Jesus is risen, there is hope. In the midst of that fiery inferno, God will reshape the earth like a hot ball of wax. The man ran for it, made a tremendous leap at the branch but missed it----on the way up; he caught it on the way back down! It is that peace that reminds us that God is with us and He is in charge. It takes broken grain to give bread. But the very next verse contains incredibly good news for believers: “But for you who fear My name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings; and you will go forth and skip about like calves released from the stall” (Malachi 4:2). The resurrected body of Jesus was similar to ours in many respects, but there were also some differences. Hope is essential to life. Find answers to some of the more asked questions. In fact, I got so excited about my discoveries that I started jumping the pews and hanging from the chandeliers, shouting “Hallelujah!” and “Praise the Lord!” People thought I had gone Pentecostal overnight! I have this fantasy that we will be able to eat all we want in our glorified bodies and not have to worry about gaining weight! I love the way the psalmists wrestle and fight and struggle to maintain their hope in God. When you read these wonderful promises, you can understand why Paul wrote these words in 1 Corinthians 2:9: “No eye has seen, no ear heard, nor the heart of man conceived, what God has prepared for those who love Him.”. God loves His creation, and He intends to redeem it — all of it — and not destroy it with some mystical “big bang.” Jesus died on the Cross not only to redeem Mankind but also to redeem the Creation. It takes broken bread to give us strength. Paul had no concept of lying comatose in a grave for eons of time. When he was younger he had the prayer support of many of his friends. Now, think about that for a moment. An example of it is found in 1 Samuel 28 where we are told that King Saul, in his rebellion against God, sought the counsel of a witch. My first discovery was that there is no such thing as “soul sleep.” We remain conscious after death. It is true that when we die, our bodies “sleep” metaphorically, but the spirits of the dead never lose their consciousness. Jesus was very clear when speaking of heaven, and He was just as clear when He spoke about hell. During the first 30 years of my life I received almost no teaching about Bible prophecy, and I lived with little hope. Your trusted source of Christian resources since 1891, Sermon: Hope in the Midst of Pressure - 2 Thessalonians 1. When a change strikes you as bad, even unbearable, pray for the virtue of hope, and accept it. That security brings us hope. They reveal. They who sow in tears shall reap in joy (Psalm 126). 3:20-21). As the pressure starts to build, it's important to trust God for peace in the pressure, and that gives us hope. Free shipping on books, Bibles, gifts, VBS and Church Supplies of $50 or more. But the promise of God is that in that moment, He does what needs to be done. In Romans 5:3-5, Paul says that we can rejoice in our sufferings because we are a people of hope: “Not only that, but we rejoice in our sufferings, … There was an old preacher who was reflecting to a friend one day. The first discovery I made concerned “soul sleep.” I found out it is an unbiblical concept. A good counselor will help you discover the hope in the midst of the crisis. Finally, after faking sick twice, the man had to face the music, and he did not know what to do. His disciples were so startled and frightened by His ability to vanish and reappear suddenly at another place that they thought they were seeing a spirit. I was repulsed by the idea of becoming some sort of disembodied spirit without any individuality or personality. That the King of glory may come in! Others will serve as judges (1 Corinthians 6:3). Power under pressure produces hope. My second discovery was that we are not destined to an ethereal existence as disembodied spirits. Look at the Book. British novelist John Creasey published an incredible 564 books. In verses 3-4 we read, "We ought always to thank God for you, brothers, and rightly so, because your faith is growing more and more, and the love every one of you has for each other is increasing. It tells us only three things: we will see the face of God (Revelation 22:4); we will serve the Lord (Revelation 22:3); and we will reign with Him forever (Revelation 22:5). He is very aware of all that is happening around us and that vengeance is His. We will be in Heaven with the Lord during the Tribulation. There will be no abomination known as the Texas Legislature or the United States Congress. As they witnessed this marvelous event, suddenly two people appeared and began talking with them. That story is where we get the expression "face the music" today. Many of our financial institutions are on the brink of collapse. However, he was a person of great wealth and influence, so he demanded to join. We will be there in our glorified bodies when His foot touches the Mount of Olives and that mountain is split in half (Zechariah 14:1-9). You can't tamper with truth. At the end of this time of judgment, we, the Bride of Christ, will sit down at a banquet table in Heaven to celebrate our union with our Bridegroom, Jesus. The best sermon you preach yourself this week may be only three words long: Hope in God! Redemptive Hope. It was cancelled as the false flutist feigned sickness. For me, it was a grim picture. Think of it — every person on earth who is in a position of governing authority will be a glorified saint. The new conductor had a reputation for excellence, and the wealthy fraud was not going to be able to influence the new leader as he had the previous one. People are losing their jobs. I have to call this entrance ramp, non-negotiable consequences. Those who are mentally impaired will have their minds healed (Isaiah 29:18-19, 32:3-4, and 35:5-6). All Rights Reserved. Ordering Christmas Gifts? That power brings with it hope! In verse 10 we find these words: "on the day he comes to be glorified in his holy people and to be marveled at among all those who have believed. This is a process which can take time, and time is often in short supply when crisis comes. We will be there to shout “Hosanna to the Son of David! I came to this realization one day when I was reading Paul’s great love poem in 1 Corinthians 13. Sermon by Pastor Mark Finley. Since the Bible teaches that the current earth is eternal (Psalm 78:69 and Psalm 148:6), I have concluded that the “new earth” will be the current earth renovated by fire. He made prayer a priority in his life as well. Houses are being foreclosed. It made no sense to me, so I wrote it off as a bunch of silly nonsense. We must always remember there is great power in prayer. His musical ability was non-existent. Upon death, he expected to be with the Lord immediately. So, it is true that the redeemed will live eternally in Heaven, but Heaven will be on earth. I get excited over all this as I think of singing the Psalms with David and studying the book of Romans with Paul. They're left hurting and hopeless. I just want the pressure to end!" Share words of encouragement, Scripture, sermons, and helpful advice. It will in some way reflect “the righteous acts of the saints” (Revelation 19:8). Reigning with the Lord forever implies that we will be reigning over someone. I had no one to blame but myself because I did not study God’s Word as I should have. But the very next verse says that the Holy Spirit has revealed those blessings to us in God’s Word (1 Corinthians 2:10). The Bible does not tell us much about this body except that it is tangible and recognizable. He will not leave us alone; He will not forget we need Him. The conductor agreed, after much persuading, and let him sit in the second row of the orchestra. In other words, our glorified bodies are going to be like Jesus’ resurrected body. The Apostle Paul affirmed consciousness after death. They will be punished with everlasting destruction and shut out from the presence of the Lord and from the majesty of his power" (NIV). This article is an edited excerpt from Dr. Reagan’s book, Living for Christ in the End Times. But we do believe it is possible to know the season of the Lord's return, and it is our conviction that we are living in that season... © 2020 Lamb and Lion Ministries. On that day it is gone forever; we will never be faced with pressure again. At the end of the Millennium, fire will be used by God to burn away the pollution of Satan’s last revolt (2 Peter 3:12). And be lifted up, O ancient doors, Jesus clearly taught this in His story about the rich man and Lazarus (Luke 16:19-31). Beyond that, we might just see that pressure can motivate us to hold on to hope in ways we've never considered. Because they were dead, they weren't able to pray for him anymore. The Old Testament ends with an example of what I’m talking about. Occasionally the pressure gets to them and they crack, crumble, and crash. The original version of this release was posted by the Euro-Asia Division. During the Holocaust, Viktor Frankl, who later became a world renowned psychiatrist, was a prisoner in one of the Nazi death camps. He was immediately removed from the Imperial Orchestra. After many possible solutions, finally one was tried that worked. Where is God in the Midst of Crisis?, Jen Booth - Read more Christian women spiritual life, faith, and growth. See our holiday shipping schedule to receive your gifts on time. Therefore, among God's churches we boast about your perseverance and faith in all the persecutions and trials you are enduring." The reason: the catfish is the natural enemy of the codfish. That is the best news we could ever get. A whole generation of believers will avoid death — the generation living when the Lord returns for His Church. We do not know the exact day or hour of Christ's return, […], We're now closing the first chapter in 2 Peter with verses […]. It’s because hope is directly related to one’s knowledge of Bible prophecy, and there is no topic in the modern Church that is more ignored than prophecy. There is one other thing the Bible reveals about the glorified body that should be a source of great comfort. The Crisis. The new conductor told them that he would hold auditions to see how well each of the players could play. When Jesus returns, the Bible says He will bring with Him the spirits of the saved (1 Thessalonians 4:13-14). There are many today who think they can go to heaven, and want to ignore the existence of hell. For in our weeping is the power of this promise. In 2 Corinthians 5:8 he wrote that he would prefer to be “absent from the body and to be at home with the Lord.” He repeated this sentiment in his Philippian letter where he wrote, “to live is Christ, and to die is gain” (Philippians 1:21). As for service, I would imagine, for one thing, our gifts and talents will be magnified and that we will use them to glorify the Lord. Instead, the Lord sent Samuel who had died some time before. | 4,206 views. The men and women we remember most did not live easy and comfortable lives, but faced great moments of crisis with hope in God. The next entrance ramp is important for us to remember, as well. If the fish were shipped frozen they arrived at the market, but they had lost much of their flavor. How would you explain it to an unbeliever? He observed that every year as Christmas approached, hope would sweep the camp that the prisoners would be released on Christmas day. These articles focus mostly on natural disasters, but the points apply to what we’re experiencing right now. From that perspective, the things that bother us become His problem, not ours. The sad thing is that most Christians are ignorant of those promises and therefore have no idea what Paul meant when he wrote: “For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that is to be revealed to us” (Romans 8:18). Where is God in all this? CSB Holy Land Illustrated Bible (Hardcover), by Jeff Dixon on Wednesday, January 01, 2014 at 7:00 AM. Fifth, discover the critical message in the crisis. In the time of Crisis he praise and worship the Lord. I refer to these essentials as entrance ramps. Rescheduled and the important things usually take a lot of effort pressure might not be exciting some! Learn volumes about how hope bubbles in the middle of a crisis here in America I want to himself! 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